I'm planning my first trip to Europe for March-April of next year and I do not know anyone personally who has ever traveled like this. Unfortunately that means no one I know can answer the questions I have!
I was only able to talk my boss into giving me 2 weeks off(not including the flight to Ireland or from Ireland... so 2 extra days).
I'd originally planned on going to Dublin, London, Paris, Barcelona, Rome and then Capri, and I also really wanted to travel to Athens before I went back to Dublin to catch a flight home. I had to drastically cut this down because I've done a lot of research and I'm aware this is all impossible for a two week trip.
I have narrowed it down to this itinerary:
Dublin, Ireland (2 Days)
Dublin ----> Paris(1 Day)
Paris(3 Days)
Paris -------> Rome(1 Day)
Rome(4 Days) I would like to visit Capri for one of these days. It is a place I have always wanted to visit! Is this plausible as well? Or should I stick to just Rome?
Then I want to go to Athens, Greece(2 Days). However, Greece is pretty far away from the other places I'm going that are all clumped together. Is it best to forget Greece and just go back to Ireland from Rome? And if I did go to Greece, what would be the best way to get back to Ireland from Greece?
I am budgeting $3500 including airfare to/from Ireland. Is this a plausible amount to save or do I need more?
I have done quite a bit of research and for the most part I've found that flying from one place to another using airlines like Ryanair,etc. is a lot of the time cheaper than traveling by trains. However, I've researched and it seems like a lot of people prefer trains or just take them in general. Is there a reason for this or should I just stick to flying? Any answers to any questions I have asked are greatly appreciated! I am also open to suggestions on better itinerary options or changes...
Thank you!