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Question about private messages on the helpline

Is there any way to see my responses to messages I have received?

Posted by
3428 posts

I think the OP is asking if there is any way to see the anwsers SHE sends to others who send her a PM. I've often wished for that ability, too. Sometimes I go back and wonder, "Did I remember to tell them ....?"

Posted by
3580 posts

When Helpline readers send Private Messages (PMs) it is very helpful to include the title of the Original Posting (OP) so that the receiver of that PM knows what the message refers to. I've gotten PMs that I had a hard time relating to anything I said on the Helpline.

Posted by
15768 posts

Exactly, Toni. And when there's some back and forth, so you would see your previous responses, you often have to delete the earlier correspondence because of the size limit to the message box.

Posted by
12313 posts

As far as I can tell, you see it when you send it. After that only the person you send it to can see it. Once they delete it, it's gone.

Posted by
693 posts

You can always copy the message you wrote before you push the "post" button and paste it into a document. That way, you can refer to it later.

Posted by
15768 posts

That's what I thought, but I was hoping for a different answer.