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Put us out of our misery

So when will Rick put us out of our misery of hopeful 2021 European tour travel??? Did i miss his post?? The NYTimes had some interesting comments from a person living in Italy (I had hoped to do Tuscany tour this year):

Italy's Green HeartApril 14
I wouldn't be making any serious plans to visit Italy, not perhaps until 2022. It's simply premature to come here. We Italians have been confined to our city limits since January and until most of the population is vaccinated (that could take until September or longer), things aren't returning to normal. It's going to be a long time before this country will be ready to entertain tourism as is was pre-COVID. I have no idea why it's so hard for people to accept the current reality. We are in the midst of a global pandemic. Not traveling outside your country for a couple of years isn't really that a big deal. Please do yourselves and others a favor and stay home.

Posted by
16557 posts

So you are taking one person's opinion as the truth. Does this person work in the tourism industry? Does this person work directly with the government's health department?

If you took the opinion of some of the people on this board, no one would travel until at least 2023. Rick hasn't "put you out of your misery" because he isn't sure he would have to cancel all tours this year.

Posted by
8457 posts

I have read some posts that opine that foreign travel for Americans will not be an option until 2024.

The EU failed its people by not focusing more on vaccinations like Israel, UK and USA. Half the people over 18 in the USA now have at least one dose. By July, we should have about 2/3 of our population fully vaccinated. Most states in the USA have opened up schools, restaurants(not limited). More people are flying these days.

Europe may not be open this year. We were planning to visit Italy in October, but that may not happen. Iceland is open for people with vaccine proof.

Posted by
34234 posts

locals here in Europe have been saying the same or nearly the same for months....

A lot of folks seem to feel desperate to travel and as soon as possible.

The world has taken a huge knock - I'm more than happy to give it a chance to gently recover before trying to resume the old ways ...

I am sure that Rick Steves will let everybody know when he thinks they can get back in the group tour business

Posted by
6113 posts

I think half the population will be nervous about travelling this year and the other half would have flown somewhere yesterday if they could, no matter what vaccination rates are at home or away.

Much of Europe has been in strict lockdown since the new year, including the U.K., where we are just emerging from a miserable 3.5 months. Many havenā€™t been able to stray more than a mile or two from their homes. No one wants another lockdown. In the U.K., over the past year, with hindsight, lockdowns either started too late or were eased too early and too much social mixing has happened once restrictions were eased. Few of the crowds in Windsor yesterday for Prince Philipā€™s funeral were wearing masks or 2m socially distancing by way of an example.

There seems to be a general difference in opinion between many Europeans on this forum and those on the other side of the Atlantic who think they should be allowed to travel now they are vaccinated.

Rickā€™s tours are on coaches where itā€™s difficult to socially distance. Hotels have to deep clean after each customer, so one night stops arenā€™t ideal for them. Recommendations last year when lockdown was eased was are that rooms should be free for 72 hours after each stay.

Posted by
16700 posts

IMHO, Frank pretty much summed it up:

Rick hasn't "put you out of your misery" because he isn't sure he
would have to cancel all tours this year.

No one knows, including RS, when Americans will be welcomed back everywhere in Europe. Speculation has been flogged ad nauseam for months on the forums but what it boils down to is that it'll happen when it happens.

As we're already into the 2nd quarter of year, I personally don't know as I'd hold my breath - we're making no plans to travel abroad this year - but I've no crystal ball either. Fortunately, the DH and I are alive, COVID-less (as far as we know) and have been fully vaccinated so things could be infinitely more miserable! šŸ¤ž

Posted by
9064 posts

phaedra, I've been firmly in the "hope for the best, prepare for the worst" mode regarding travel. Think about where we are with vaccinations and infection/hospitalization rates in the US, and then consider that most of Europe is a few months behind us. That tells me something about travel this year. Sometimes we like to think of RS as a public servant and expect him to have special insight into the situation regarding travel, or to jump start the international travel business. As he has said publicly several times, he expects independent travel to be happening long before he is ready to commit to re-starting his tours. And I believe him.

It must be really complicated to organize a group tour, and now, especially, they might have to re-work everything, depending on what former partner hotels/restaurants/etc., will be open for business. They have to make contracts and commitments months in advance. I might guess that he'll have to open a few tours at a time. But by smartly avoiding collecting any deposits this year, he's avoided the painful refund process, so has no need to categorically drop everything at once, now, given that there are some tours up to Christmas time.

Posted by
3481 posts

My longing for European travel seems like mighty small beer compared to the entire world's struggle to cope with a Global Pandemic!

I'm guessing that Rick Steves the person and "Rick Steves" the business would like to be put of their misery as well.

Posted by
4670 posts

I realize that I live in a state that has put jobs ahead of Covid safety, but the health problems caused by economic problems should not be minimized. Europe needs to open up to vaccinated tourists, for the sake of their own people's livelihoods.

Posted by
7054 posts

Only you can put yourself out of misery; adjust your expectations and just work around it. Rick is not going to give bad news until he absolutely has to, so just nudge yourself to be "ok" with whatever happens.

Posted by
5652 posts

The EU failed its people by not focusing more on vaccinations like
Israel, UK and USA. Half the people over 18 in the USA now have at
least one dose.

But the rest of the world is NOT the US. And half your populatiin half vaccinated means you're only one quarter of the way there. And just because other countries are struggling does not mean their governments haven't been focused on the pandemic. It means they haven't had the means that the US has enjoyed. Not every country has the ample, reliable, supply of vaccines that the US has, even though it was contracted well in advance.

Even though I will have the great relief of vaccination as of next week, I have no intention of travelling internationally this year. I know I won't get it (or at least won't die from it, hopefully). But what about all of the unvaccinated people in the country I might visit?

No, I won't give covid to them. But if these countries open to tourists, then many unvaccinated people will need to be working in tourist oriented facilities and businesses. Which hugely increases the risk of spread amongst THEM. Stop and think about it. You are putting them at risk to satisfy a first world itch. Some countries may be so desperate for money that they are forced to put income over public health and safety.That's something I just don't want to be a part of.

Posted by
4680 posts

Some countries may be so desperate for money that they are forced to
put income over public health and safety.That's something I just don't
want to be a part of.

Well said.

In March last year I wasn't convinced my trip to Scotland that June woud be cancelled, now not only am I resigned to not going to Europe this year, I'm likely not leaving my province.

Posted by
8045 posts

From the very start, Rick has offered this to people, to help deal with problems that come up regarding travel, ā€œIf things are not to your liking, change your liking.ā€ Easier to say than to put into practice when youā€™re angry or grumpy, and itā€™s offered to help get over not having a shower with a curtain, chocolate not being one of the gelato flavors available, and a very long line to get into a sight, but it can work for other situations, too. Weā€™re all hanging in there, and itā€™ll be over, eventually.

Posted by
5652 posts

So Big Mike, Bill Maher's rants (and those are mostly his opinions, not facts) drive your COVID attitudes and actions? That speaks volumes. Great- the answer to COVID is to just lose weight. Got it. We'll just ignore the recommendations of the various national centers for public health and enroll with Jenny Craig.

Posted by
3585 posts

I agree with the Italian quote in the first post.
As Canadians: because, apart from other reasons, people are still traveling between provinces, not distancing, not wearing masks in some cases....our numbers are creeping up again.
We are not doing as well as we did last year.
Most of the people in our area that I know or know of, are trying their hardest to comply with Public Health rules and pleas
.I just wish the rest of the world would too.
We have not laid eyes in person on one single friend or family member since late last October.
Not one.

No one "NEEDS" to go on a trip or travel right now.
We are all missing foreign holidays, but for now....please....please.... stay home and enjoy your own backyard and community.
You might find something amazing right there!
I don't know how to be more polite about it.

Posted by
12043 posts

Rickā€™s tours are on coaches where itā€™s difficult to socially distance. Hotels have to deep clean after each customer, so one night stops arenā€™t ideal for them. Recommendations last year when lockdown was eased was are that rooms should be free for 72 hours after each stay.

Read an article this past week, authored by CDC or some other medical authority, ( no, I do not have a link or citation) that in essence said the likelihood of getting the virus from a surface contact was extremely low and extraordinary cleaning measures are unnecessary.
Time has revealed that person to person airborne transmission is the primary means of spread.

Hopefully that knowledge will help in the greater re-opening of safe travel

RS tour buses are usually no more than 50% filled and factor in the majority will be seated with their bed partner keeping a 'safe' distance from 'strangers' on the bus should not be a real problem

It may be premature to declare victory, but there is reason to be looking forward to it

Posted by
7054 posts

I think it may be worth keeping in mind that Rick's (business ) insurance may also be in the mix and may be calling the shots as to when his group tours will be feasible - they may not be willing to underwrite under certain conditions (at a certain price) and they have a right to do that. Group tours have more constraints than individual travel.

Posted by
6113 posts

Standard U.K. buses have every other seat and every other row cordoned off to comply with the current regulations ie 1 seat in 4 can be occupied. That means RSā€™s coaches can run at 25% capacity, half the usual level, which will impact on viability.

Passing the virus maybe lower from physical contact, but rules are rules.

Posted by
3140 posts

Jean, well, Maher presented facts the media ignores. (If it bleeds, it leads.) Context is important.

My apologies for any unintended offense.

On a related note, a friend of ours cleaned up her diet, started exercising seriously (not just walking around the block), and everything in her life improved, mainly health. As oft said, health is (almost) everything. We have more control over that variable than we give ourselves credit for. It took a blood test to wake here up.

Curious, but what did Maher say in the video that was inaccurate?

Posted by
5652 posts

Big Mike- I don't necessarily disagree with his thoughts about the political divide on covid, nor that some news media deliberately catastrophize (or minimize, depending on their slant) the current COVID situation. I do question his painting everyone with that same mega sized brush.

And someone needs to remind Professor Maher, before his next pontification, that correlation does not imply causation. Especially as it relates to his obesity opinion. Just because 2 facts coincide does not mean one is directly related to the other. 90% (imaginary number) of covid victims drive cars. Does that mean that driving a car makes you vulnerable to getting covid? This guy claims 78% of covid cases are overweight and that is why they got sick. What are the latest statistics on the percentage of the general population that is overweight? No one will argue that a normal weight is good for ones health overall. But there has been no causal link, at least not by any reputable scientific studies that I an aware of.

Posted by
2333 posts

No opinion: just the facts of a sad story. A couple in their early 60s contracted Covid. Because she was obese, she received antibody treatment. He was not obese and did not receive such treatment. He died from Covid. She recovered fairly quickly.

Posted by
16700 posts

I think it may be worth keeping in mind that Rick's (business )
insurance may also be in the mix and may be calling the shots as to
when his group tours will be feasible

Great point, Agnes.

Posted by
8045 posts

Rickā€™s interview on the CBS Sunday Morning program said that Rick had said that when widespread travel resumes, his tour customers would be among the very first. So when that time will be isnā€™t currently his call, but he and his at-the-ready staff are ready to resume at the first opportunity.

Edit: as acraven notes below, I misheard part of the interview, and it was the interviewer who said that Rick ā€œdoubtsā€ his tours would be the first to return. Not a definitive write-off for 2021, but heā€™s not hopping on a plane tomorrow, either. I was distracted by fixing breakfast and hurrying to get ready for a long hike that morning - sorry for passing on misinformation.

Posted by
1688 posts

" This guy claims 78% of covid cases are overweight and that is why they got sick." - He did not actually say that. I don't get the chance to listen to Maher much. I don't agree with everything he says and I'm allowed to say so, which is the beauty of it. He skewers both sides, something we should all do when nonsense rears its ugly head. Worse and scarier than covid is the singular line of thought which seems to have infected many people this last few years.

"But there has been no causal link...." There are many, so Professor Maher deserves an apology. Here's a couple, one of which Maher highlighted in his sermon:

"No opinion: just the facts of a sad story. A couple in their early 60s contracted Covid. Because she was obese, she received antibody treatment. He was not obese and did not receive such treatment. He died from Covid. She recovered fairly quickly." - Being obese is not an automatic reason to receive antibodies, at least in Canada (I can't speak to procedures in Idaho). Unless the husband's infecton was sudden and the ill effects very swift - or he had no indication at all - he would also have received some type of treatment if his symptoms gradually became worse. Then there are possible underlying medical causes, nothing to do with being overweight.

Posted by
28450 posts

Unfortunately, I believe Cyn misunderstood today's comment about resumption of Rick's tours. I've listened to the clip twice. The interviewer commented that Rick "doubts his groups will be the first ones back." Then Rick makes the point he has made in other interviews, that his approach to travel is the opposite of social distancing.

Posted by
375 posts

Maher is 100% right. Here in Texas we are still waiting for that spike many media pundits predicted.

Posted by
213 posts

I listen to Rick's weekly podcast pretty regularly. There was a one not long ago where he interviewed the head of an Italian tour company. I'm sorry I can't seem to recall his name.
Anyway, the other gentleman said his company would be among the first and Rick said he would be among the last. The safety of his tour members and staff was the most important thing to him. He also doesn't want to start and then stop again. When it's safe for all involved and clearly safe is when tours will happen again.
Between listening to his podcasts and attending his Monday Night Travels I feel like I've gotten to know him a little better. He is the real deal stand up guy. Has a lot of integrity and I respect him a lot. Sorry for the additional commentary on his personality. He just really impresses me and it's so rare nowadays.

Posted by
3602 posts

It looks like Sarah Murdoch ( Rick Steves guide) has plans to go to Europe this summer, at least it looks like some of her tours are sold out.

Posted by
100 posts

Thank you so much for everyone's response. I just viewed Rick's recent CBS interview (thanks for suggestion) and I think it is clear (to me anyway) that there will be no RS tours in 2021. If Rick likes to travel hugging folks and gathering in close groups, etc, I don't see that happening in 2021. We'll still all be wearing masks as many folks in Europe won't be vaccinated as quickly as we are. And i also agree with others that we have a Public Health responsibility NOT to infect others, if that is even a possibility after we are vaccinated. Many tour companies still list 2021 tours , even in June, but I bet most will wait till the bitter end to cancel and then have to refund or convince folks to transfer that deposit to 2022. Road Scholar still lists tours to Europe in August. But they have been cancelling non stop all year as well. I'd like to travel when masks are not required, when we can gather safely in groups and just have a fun relaxed time. Time will tell.

Posted by
8045 posts

Unfortunately, I believe Cyn misunderstood today's comment about resumption of Rick's tours

I appreciate your note, acraven, and youā€™re right. I rewatched Rickā€™s interview, and indeed, Iā€™d mistaken what the interviewer said. Big difference between ā€œwillā€ and ā€œdoubts,ā€ but then Rick never confirmed that he wasnā€™t going before a certain date.

Posted by
8045 posts

Further, Rick said that if travel wasnā€™t opened up until next year, or the year after that, heā€™ll wait. So Rick would seem to indicate that it was worth mentioning that it could be 2023. Adding to, or relieving misery? Weā€™re going when flights to Italy are available, and Italy is allowing Americans in without the need for quarantine hoops to jump through. Waiting for a tour company to be on the plane with us wonā€™t be part of our equation.

Posted by
3140 posts

Perhaps this will spur more people to explore independent travel, which is much cheaper and more flexible, at least from our experience. We like planning out our itinerary months in advance. It's half the fun of the trip.

Posted by
4680 posts

Perhaps this will spur more people to explore independent travel,
which is much cheaper and more flexible, at least from our experience.
We like planning out our itinerary months in advance. It's half the
fun of the trip.

Can't disagree with you on the cheaper, flexibility, or planning being half the fun, but the learning experiences we had with a guide on our RS tour gave that style of trip so much added value. Even on cruises and the RS tour we did plenty of planning. When we plan a destination we look at all options and then decide what is right for us.

If all goes to plan, our next 3 trips will be Scotland on our own, London and York on our own and then RS tour in Sicily with a week on our own on the Amalfi coast added on. From a cost only perspective I did some quick math and not including flight costs, our RS tour in France cost about $365 per person/per day including our added expenses not covered by the tour, our Mediterranean cruise was $215 per person/per day and London, Bath and Cotswolds on our own was $165 per person/per day. Honestly, cost aside, the RS tour was likely the best value-but that's strictly a personal opinion on what we got out of it.

Posted by
4680 posts

Janet, whoops, yes those numbers are per day. I'll correct my post.

Posted by
3367 posts

I've been an independent traveler for decades, but I took an RS tour in 2017. Wonderful. I will someday take one again if it is meant to be. So I agree wholeheartedly with this comment:

the RS tour was likely the best value-but that's strictly a personal opinion on what we got out of it.

It was just a wonderful experience, and knowing what I know now after having taken one, I'll have an even better time, next time, as my fears of group travel, at least with Rick, have disappeared. So let's not denigrate travelers who only take tours. There are reasons. And, yes, it might mean RS will start up later than an independent trip to one city. I noticed his hesitancy in his most recent interview or his most recent zoom...can't recall which or if both. We'll all just have to wait and see when we can go, and where, without endangering other people. For me that is going to be a while or I will be the Ugly American tourist that I don't want to be. It's a mystery right now. Right now, we are just working on getting my grandson's British grandmother over here, hopefully at Christmas. This type of situation takes precedent, IMO. It will be over two years by the time she sees him in person as she saw him as a newborn and now he is 19 those are the people who should travel first. IMO

Posted by
6584 posts

I'm with Allan and Wray. I know this is a theme that crops up regularly, but we have been so impressed with what we have learned and experienced on RS tours. Yes, we could (and do) book hotels, plan excursions, visit museums, etc. on our own. What has impressed us about RS tours is the things that we wouldn't have thought of! Like lunch at a winery on the way back from San Gimignano on the Best of Florence tour. Or visiting small museums that we had never heard of. Or dinner at a truffle farm, after tramping through the fields following the truffle dogs on the Village Italy tour.

So much value, so many unexpected joys. And we've met some great folks on these tours, many of whom we're still in touch with today. In fact, I just had an email yesterday from some former tour mates who are planning to drop in on us this summer on their way to California.

If you can afford it, I think a good, well-run tour, one that focuses on education, one with plenty of free time, is a good value indeed.

Posted by
6584 posts

Looks like all the late August and September tours are cancelled. Crap. There are two South Italy tours still listed, both in October. Even if they go, the odds of getting a seat are slim.

I guess it's time to look at Spring 2022, at least for RS tours. If Italy does open up to tourists, Stan and I may decide to go anyway this fall, but that's still a really big "if."


Posted by
211 posts

Recent life circumstances will keep me from going on a tour for a very long time, but I'm not holding my breath, unfortunately, for any 2021 tours. I'm not totally paranoid about Covid, but a RS tour is such a wonderful splurge that I want everything to be as far back to normal as possible before dropping all that money on one. Till then, I'll explore more of our beautiful country.

Posted by
6584 posts

Justin, I'm truly sorry for the life circumstances that are inhibiting your travel dreams. I'm having just the opposite situation: recent events in my life, while painful, have resulted in my being much less tied down than I've been for the last 5 or 6 years. Hence my increased frustration with the travel restriction.