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PSA: Denial of Service Attack Ongoing at


Many of you have probably noticed that our main website hasn't been working for a few hours. It doesn't affect our other subdomains like this forum (, our store (, or your RSE Account (

We're working on the problem, and we'll get our site back online as soon as we can. Thanks to everyone for their patience.

As the weekend is fast approaching, I may not post when we've resolved this, though I'll do my best to do so.

Posted by
15189 posts

Thanks for letting us know! Hope this does not spill over to your weekend!

Posted by
5663 posts

Oh dear, sorry to hear that and good luck with resolution, which is not how you wanted to spend your Friday.

Posted by
10519 posts

Oh wow. Bon courage in dealing with this, Andrew !

Posted by
6659 posts

Thanks, Andrew. It does seem to have been working erratically today, when it worked at all.

Courage! When we don't get our RSE fix we're even more unruly than usual.

Posted by
2444 posts

I thought that I had been blacklisted.

Onward Through The Fog as we say in Austin courtesy of Oat Willie

Posted by
2521 posts

I knew something was going on around noontime because I kept getting the server error with the message that somehow RS got into the control room! Haha! Glad it seems to be working again.

Posted by
2353 posts

Thank you for letting us know. I thought the problem was with my device because I also had trouble accessing some other websites. Good luck and good skill.

Posted by
3203 posts

The website is not up and running on Chrome which I always use in my phone and desk top. But I can get it on Safari which I use on my phone if all else fails.

Posted by
32419 posts

I noticed over the last few days that the main RS site has not always been accessible, but wasn't sure what the reason was. I can't imagine what these imbeciles hope to accomplish with denial-of-service attacks.

Posted by
16792 posts

I can't imagine what these imbeciles hope to accomplish with denial-of-service attacks.

Money. They keep up the attack until they are paid.

Posted by
353 posts

Glad I just saw this post! Maybe it should be pinned for a while until the issue is resolved?

I had been wondering what was going on for the past several days as I was having trouble accessing the site. I often just access the main site and then navigate to the Travel Forums so I didn't even realize the Forums was really a different site nor did I know the web address.

In any case, some times the site is working, some times it isn't.

Posted by
2444 posts

i am now having what I consider to be a minor problem. I click on only to get buffering that never loads. I get out of it and then click on again. This second time, it will load. This has happened several times beginning yesterday.

Posted by
353 posts

@bostonphil7, unfortunately that is what a Denial of Service attack does. What it means is basically the Rick Steves web server(s) are being bombarded by traffic resulting in the web site being unresponsive because there is essentially an overload of traffic (communication) created by these attacks and the server(s) is/are not able to provide adequate response to each communication.

I'm not a tech person, so I don't know how they're going to solve malicious Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. Hope this is resolved soon!

Posted by
2444 posts

I read somewhere online that three hospital were attacked Friday. I am talking about their technology not the physical hospitals. This was about the same time that we were having problems on this website.

So something was going on out there .......

Posted by
8702 posts

I can't imagine what these imbeciles hope to accomplish with denial-of-service attacks.

Money. They keep up the attack until they are paid.

It's not always money, unfortunately. Sometimes they do it just for fun - or to prove they can.

Posted by
1045 posts

Hello, I didn't check back in earlier as I wouldn't quite call this resolved just yet. It seems that most people can navigate our main site without getting a server error since Friday evening, and pages can still be slow to load. If you do get a Server Error message, please simply try again.

We've made it through this sort of thing before, and we'll do it again. Thanks again for your patience.

Posted by
7196 posts

I had the problem this afternoon, but only on Chrome on my laptop. Able to access on my phone though. Seems to be an ongoing off and on thing.

Posted by
531 posts

Having issues with Android mobile. Especially slow to get to this forum.

Posted by
15189 posts

I had problems with the forum loading all afternoon and difficulty posting. I did drop Andrew a message but I wasn’t sure if it was user error or what.

Posted by
34631 posts

very slow today with many "prove you aren't a robot" interventions

Posted by
10519 posts

Yes clearly Andrew and team are still battling the bad guys !!!

Posted by
28870 posts

I couldn't connect on my Samsung tablet (Wi-Fi ony) for about 24 hours--got the "We're checking your connection" message, but it just cycled over and over again. Finally I tried my phone via cellular data and that worked. I couldn't figure out what was going on; I wondered whether hotel Wi-Fi from Latvia was suspect.

Eventually I remembered the (also Samsung) phone uses Chrome while the tablet defaults to Samsung internet, whatever that is. The tablet works if I select Chrome.

Posted by
8913 posts

Still having the "prove you aren't a robot" frequently, which on Wednesday when on public wifi, caused the system to "hang"

Posted by
2444 posts

I have not been paying attention but I do not think that I am having any problems today. I probably would have noticed if I was.

Hope that this is a better weekend than last.

Posted by
34631 posts

I'm still getting a lot of prove human interference, around 3 or 4 hours ago still got the Rick dropped the ball pages

Posted by
6659 posts

I'm having trouble still on my iphone, but not the laptop, which runs Linux Ubuntu. I haven't tried my Android tablet.

Posted by
3203 posts

My desktop has no problems but my iPhone intermittently won’t load the RS site or is slow.

Thanks Andrew for all the time your department has spent fixing this. Enjoy a problem-free weekend.