Heading to Europe for 16 days (2 for travel so 14). Amsterdam, Germany, and Italy are must see. Are either of the options below feasible or should we cut some locations. Also would take any input on best ways to get from Berlin to Prague and Italy.
Option A
1. London (3 days)
2. Paris (1 1/2 days...one of us has already been, one doesn't have big France dreams other than wants to climb Eiffel Tower....Worth the day trip or skip?)
3. Amsterdam (3 days)
4. Berlin (3 days)
5. Florence (2 days)
6. Rome (2 days)
Option B
1. Rome (2)
2. Florence (2)
3. Prague (1 1/2)
4. Berlin (3 1/2)
5. Amsterdam (3 1/2)
6. Paris (1 1/2)
Thanks for any input:)