My fourteen year old granddaughter is 5'9" and most young girls dresses are above the knees. but she doesn't wear them to an extreme, maybe 4"s. Will she need leggings with skirts for church entrances? And thanks for all your other great advice.
Where will you be traveling? That makes a difference. Churches in Italy are the only place she might have a problem. She could keep leggings with her to put on for those church visits.
Denise, she will only have an issue with that in Italy as
Andrea said.In Italy many if not most churches will want her KNEES covered and her shoulders( so not tank tops). So it seems throwing a pair of footless leggings in her purse would be easy enough to do, I can't see wearing them all day in the heat myself. Also many throw a wide scarf in their purse( I actually just tied mine to my pursestrap to throw around shoulders. All this only mattered in Italy though .