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Private Messages ALERT

I just got this PM

My names is Curtis Michael "Mike" Scaparrotti,i am United States Military officer.I need your assistance and trust,please contact me on my private email below for more information

I'm not going to respond to the email and I want to caution everyone else on the forum. And yes, I reported the PM to the webmaster.

Posted by
23562 posts

What did his log-in show? He has to be logged into the site to leave a PM.

Posted by
893 posts


Unfortunately, I don't think the webmaster monitors the forum on the weekends, and I have noticed that most spam and advertisements on the forum are posted on the weekends.
I hate this kind of stuff!

Posted by
893 posts

I just googled this name. A site called Fraud Watch came up. He is a 4 star General serving in the European Theater. His picture and name have been used before for other scams!!

Posted by
7123 posts

Is any of you going to answer Franks question? I'm curious too.

Posted by
1206 posts

I got it too and deleted the message!

Rick Steves needs to be aware this is happening on his website.

Posted by
2349 posts

Yeah, he's not just an officer. He's the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe. If he needs help I don't think he needs us little folk on the RS forum!

Posted by
2252 posts

Interesting! Thanks for the heads' up and research. Wonder if Gen. Scaparrotti knows his name is being used? I would assume so since it is listed on a fraud watch.

Posted by
1081 posts

The General could be having trouble deciding which Rick Steves tour to sign up for.

(please do not believe this and answer the email)

Posted by
50 posts

I got the email and reported it. Seemed inappropriate.

Posted by
2349 posts

Maybe he wants to know if he can wear shorts.

Posted by
5482 posts

Maybe he wants to know if he can wear shorts.

Posted by
6788 posts

Funny, when I read his PM, I hear it in a Russian accent.

Posted by
134 posts

He wants to use his credit card to get cash out of a foreign ATM; but, doesn't know if that has any drawbacks.

Posted by
2349 posts

Since he's SACEUR, won't they take his dollars?

Posted by
7123 posts

I'm feeling totally left out because I didn't get a PM.

Posted by
6788 posts

Well, don't feel too bad, you can see all the spam now being posted.

This forum now has this stuff happening regularly, always over the weekends when there's no staff available. It probably will continue to get worse as long as they ignore it.

Posted by
32325 posts

Wow, SPAM PM's on the RS forum. This is certainly unprecedented. I'm sure the Webmaster will take care of it tomorrow morning.

Posted by
16396 posts

Spam/scam messages aren't unusual on any travel site that has a PM function; I've gotten the "Military officer" version several times before on a different site. As has already been wisely done, just report the scoundrel to the webmaster for deletion.

It is a little unfortunate that there isn't a moderator on duty over weekends to quickly wipe stuff like this, especially when their junk populates the main topic page as I see a spammer did a few hours ago.

Posted by
776 posts

YUp. Got it too. Sad that some people have this much time on their hands

Posted by
16396 posts

Trouble is, with spam PMs like the one above, is that it's not a "time on the hands" thing. 99.9% of the time they're an opening for a scam. That's why they always request contact via their private email: they want YOUR personal email address so they can try and scam you outside of the site, or use your address for any number of nasty purposes. The really sad thing is that there are people naive enough to give that info to them. They figure oh gosh, there are no evil scoundrels on a perfectly legitimate site like ___, right? Wrong.

Helping good folk avoid the trap is why forums like RS provide safe messaging: so that you can communicate with community members without ever having to reveal sensitive, personal information, like your email address, to a stranger.

So if you get another odd PM from anyone* - especially a new joiner - requesting a response via their personal email, do NOT respond in any way; report them immediately.

The one exception (starred *) would be exchanging some private info with regular posters you've come to know well over a long period of time.

Posted by
1099 posts

Well, they haven't given up. I just now got my own special private message from "Mike."

Posted by
16396 posts

Persistant little devil, isn't he (if it even is a "he")?

Posted by
14582 posts

Well, I don’t feel so left out. I’ve finally gotten my 2 messages too!

Posted by
24 posts

Hi all! I just wanted to pop in and say that we're definitely aware of this spam and we really appreciate everyone who has reported it. We're working to find a fix on the technical side of the forum system to keep these types of messages to an absolute minimum (if they get through at all), though it may take a little bit to ensure the filters are working properly.

Clicking on the message itself within our private message system won't open you up to any harm (we don't allow files to be attached to PMs for this reason), but definitely don't click on any links from an unknown sender who seems suspicious!

Posted by
503 posts

I received my message today from the general. It showed up in my email and said he had a business proposal for me. The message said to check my PM on the forum,, but there was no PM there. Very strange indeed.

Posted by
368 posts

I also got he business proposal email and pm. Reported it

Posted by
16396 posts

The message said to check my PM on the forum,, but there was no PM

Lisa, the poster and their messages could have been deleted by the time you got to your PMs.

Posted by
5149 posts

Lisa and Kathy,
When I tried to open it to delete it all I got was a blank screen. The RS tech people said that was because the poster had been banned and no message would appear. Hope this gives some clarification.