@Lee: Thanks for the note. I mentioned just the "practical" problems that I see with profiles in my last post. But there's more to it. I once thought about providing not just my hometown, but also my travel "resume", as many have done. I was thinking that maybe my travel tips would carry more weight with real-world stuff to back them up. But the truth is that it's just not in my personal wheelhouse to do so. I really prefer to share only those personal details that are immediately relevant to a fellow poster's forum question, or my own.
It was really VERY nice that so many of the forum members sent their wishes my way back in 2018. And at that time, in that context, it made perfect sense to me to share some personal details here. Over the years, I've shared quite a bit in one-on-one private messages with certain members, sometimes after getting tangled up in helping them with itineraries and the like. I've stayed in touch with a couple of those forum members for several years now and hope that we'll continue our online friendships. I guess it sort of takes an extended conversation to crack me open, and I guess the pm system is the context I'm comfortable with for personal stuff.
I generally don't refer to profiles... when I've done so, I've found that the skimpy information there can lead to bad guesses on my part. So I just try to focus on the forum text. It doesn't bother me that others are open with their profile information. And I hope it doesn't disturb others - or make me the black sheep of the forum "family" - that I am somewhat more private there and on the forum.