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Post Trip Reflections

Post Trip Reflections

Here you can find the report from my recent trip to Albania.

Now that I have been back a few days I have had time to reflect on a few things.

How did I decide it was reasonable for me to take the trip. The idea here is not to tell anyone else what is right or wrong, only to express my reasoning. I know I will get some criticism, do it if you must, but I am comfortable in my decision and I will put down a few thoughts that led me to the decision I ultimately made. Here I just want to suggest some of the topics I considered and others might want to consider before they decide. It may help them decide one way or another and may help to ensure that they have a good trip if they go forward and help ensure they have no regrets afterwards.

I am not a great communicator so bear with me a bit.

First, for me, it has to be a personal decision. I thought about my age (60-somethng), my health (other than a bum ticker, pretty good), those that depend on me, my job, my income if I should be sick, and how it would affect those that care about me.

Second, for me, it had to be legal. I mean truly legal and doesn’t capitalize on loop holes not designed for the specific intent.

Third, it had to be able to be done in a manner that did not risk those that did not want to participate in similar activity. Meaning if you are on the plane with me, then you choose to share my risk, but those at home who did not choose to do such a thing should not be put at an undue risk because of my actions.

Fourth, there was the flight. I read up on cabin air quality, seating arrangements, the rules of the airlines and looked for articles on sick flight crews as an indication of risk. While in print I was satisfied, Turkish Air did let me down; and once on the flight there is nothing one can do about that. I decided the risk was reasonable for me, but I tried to increase the odds by my seat choice and by wearing a N95 mask. With that I was satisfied for my particular situation.

Fifth, there was the location of the trip. Again, I read what I could find and was satisfied that my destination was not a COVID high risk location and the activities I had chosen reduced the odds even more by being low density (nature mostly).

Sixth, I hedged my bet with Trip Insurance that covered COVID, before and after departure and included evacuation coverage (although limited). This was also Cancel for No Reason insurance.

Seventh, personal responsibility on the ground. On the ground I wore a mask when social distancing wasn’t guaranteed. I did make certain exceptions to that, but they were exceptions that both I and the other parties agreed to; again, making it a joint decision and not an imposition by me.

Eighth, I prepared for the return. Before leaving I stocked up on groceries to facilitate isolation until I was comfortable that I was clean. I did my first PCR test today (3 days after landing) and will do another in 3 more days. Passing both, I will re-enter society. This is my unspoken societal contract.

The one thing I did not do, which I wish that I had done was to take a PCR test before leaving. Just didn’t cross my mind. I would feel better if I had. Again, not for me, but as part of my contract with society.

This is going to kill me to say. I fear this post will draw a lot of negativity. I will not respond to it, so have at it. Also, I will not respond to questions about what I encountered on the ground. Why? No matter what I say people may make decisions based on that, but my experience was anecdotal at best; and the rules of the country may change tomorrow making everything invalid. I think you should look at the numbers and decide for yourself if they are handling COVID responsibly.

Posted by
6584 posts

Thank you, James E. A very thoughtful and thorough post.

Posted by
2873 posts

One thing that I have been struck by with traveling in these uncertain times is importance of being able to be flexible. I recall you rerouting your trip because of changing regulations. We all aren’t willing or able to do this. I think it is much easier if you are traveling by yourself as opposed to with a family group.

We flew out west to visit our son this summer and your logic in traveling to Europe was very similar to ours.

Posted by
20841 posts

BethFL, absolutely. And there is no sense in going someplace you arent interested in, just because you can. But the situation pushed something about 6th on my list to 1st and I am glad it did. Knowing what I know now, it would have been at the top of the list a long time ago. Eastern Europe is sort of my hobby as is fishing and Albania met both of those goals.

Posted by
4657 posts

I am sorry you have to feel defensive about your post and thinkn that it will instill a lot of negative reactions. I read back on your linked post and no one condemned you the, so don't know why you think they will now.
Your decision logic was spot on and well explained. I am of the school that as an adult, you get to make your own decisions. Those who condemn do it in jealousy or fear....often personalizing what is not their trip to begin with.
I am glad you had a good time, and fingers crossed test 2 is also negative.

Posted by
759 posts

Hopefully no negativity- this post and your earlier ones outlined exactly what you were doing, step by step, and why. Just surprised to see you back so soon. With all the work to get there I would have thought you would have taken a month. Or has it been a month (?) I’ve all sense of time these days...

Welcome home.

Posted by
20841 posts

Unfortunately I have obligations here. Yes it was way too fast. But it was very inexpensive (about $1400 single occupancy) so I can do this 4 times for the cost of an organized 10 day trip to Italy. I am thinking I will be back in June.

Posted by
2795 posts

Personally your logic seems reasonable your precautions seem reasonable and If people attack you it says more about them than you

I went to Mexico in August. I made the decision after a lot of research and considering a lot of the same things you considered . If I had to do again, I would make the exact same decision.

If anyone wants to attack me, feel free. I assume that attacking people makes other people feel superior and important. It makes me feel sorry for them but I’d that’s the way they get enjoyment in life it is what it is

Posted by
2062 posts

No hate but everyone has to think about this for themselves. Dr. Fauci says we are nowhere near to being over the hurdle and Europe is experiencing their second waves. As a employee in the health care industry, I disagree with traveling overseas and I don't think any place is handling the virus all at this point right now but everyone has to make their own judgement. Glad you had a good time and hopefully next October will be better for all for travel and healthwise!

Hopefully we will be filling the board with travel posts fall and Rick can make some new videos-I've memorized the last few years! Now if only my frequent flyer miles will still be worth something.

Posted by
20841 posts

All but 9 countries in the world are in Level 3 currently. All of Europe is Level 3. Level 3 States "Reconsider travel to Albania due to COVID-19". I considered and reconsidered multiple times. If my intent were to stay in congested cities, I might have decided to delay the trip. Given I would be in the countryside most of the time or in less dense towns (especially so with the reduced tourist load), it was my perception to be no greater a risk than my practices at home. All this falls under:

Fifth, there was the location of the trip. Again, I read what I could
find and was satisfied that my destination was not a COVID high risk
location and the activities I had chosen reduced the odds even more by
being low density (nature mostly).

(A cut and paste from the trip report)

Much more important the fishing ....

The trout are similar to what we call bookies. Small but they put up a good fight. I had the best luck with the smallest zebra nymphs I had in my box. It has been a bit dry so water levels were not ideal. It was also unseasonably warm. But I found a number of deep pools with at least one sheer face and dropped the nymphs along side the face and set an indicator to let them settle at about 4 feet .... pretty good luck with that. Dry flies were not as good, but mainly because I overslept and missed the morning feeding more often than not. I used a 5wt rod but a 3 or 4 would have been much better but the only 7 piece rod I have is the 5 and it takes a 7 piece to fit in my carry on. I used 5x line with 6x tippet which I think was about right. Most of the fishing required wading no deeper than 2 feet and i brought hip waders for that. Does that answer your questions? I figure most readers will be bored with this so I skipped it.

By the way, they were tasty......

Early June has the snow melt and the rivers will be up. Thats why I am thinking about going back then.

The hotel I found was right on the river: One of the photos shows a setup for a birthday party..... I was there for that.

Posted by
6584 posts

James, did the hotel cook your trout for you? Or did you build a fire and cook them then and there? Awfully hard to beat fresh trout.

I don't think I've ever actually caught anything on a fly rod (although I've tried,) but at least I know what a tippet is!

Posted by
10394 posts

It sounds like you went through a thorough and logical decision-making process.

I am glad your trip went well and hope that your second test will be negative too. Thank you for thinking to do that on your own (nobody is requiring it of you).

Very interesting!

Posted by
20841 posts

Jane, I do catch and release .... but the restaurant at the hotel didn't.... if you look at the photos linked above you can see their meals. Great food at this place. 30 euro a night for bed and breakfast.

Kim, just seemed like the right thing to do My first was a PCR .... and that takes 48 to 72 hours, so I don't know yet. The second will be the quickie test. I have been back 85 hours, the avg time from infection to exhibiting symptoms is about 120 hours. So that's my final test due diligence marker.

Posted by
8457 posts

Thanks for the interesting post. Not sure why anyone would criticize you for what you said?

You are a trip planning like me. I love planning. Serious planning always makes the trip more eventful, smooth and efficient with time.

Trip planning is more important than ever these COVID 19 days.

I do miss foreign travel, but prefer to wait until vaccines are widely available, that should minimize trip problems due to COVID.

Posted by
20841 posts

Okay, I took my PCR test a 1:30pm yesterday. My results arrived at 11:00pm the same day (just noticed the email). NEGATIVE. It is pretty amazing that we can get results so quickly now when in some locations there are waiting lists to even get the test.

Just because I appeared to have had a "good" trip isn't meant to be an encouragement for anyone else. There is risk; it is real. I was prepared to be sick. It was part of the thought process and I think its the only way I could approach this honestly. I take similar risk when I go to dinner and I am aware of it and have thought it through. Do the same before you pull the trigger.

Posted by
20841 posts

I am posting a lot cause I am still limiting my public exposure .... and a bit bored.

Relevant to Post Trip:

My guide just wrote to say he also got tested, also negative.

I also just received an email from the daughter of the sweet woman from Kazakhstan that sat next to me on the trip to Istanbul. The daughter had to write because mom didn't speak much English. The note was to thank me for taking care of her mother on the flight (I filled out her landing paperwork for her). Knowing I made an impression made the trip a little nicer for me.

Posted by
4331 posts

James, having gotten to ‘know’ you through all your posts these past few years, I believe you did not take this trip without looking at it from all sides. Yes, there was a risk factor, but there is a risk factor everytime any of us walk out our front door. We minimize the risk to the best of our ability, for ourselves and those we will come in contact. We have decided as a couple not to travel for the time being, not that we have much of a choice. We just booked hotel rooms in Round Rock, TX for April. My cousin’s daughter is getting Married. Like many people here, we will take it one day at a time.

Posted by
20841 posts

Barbara, my guess, correctly it proved out, was that the atmosphere and attitudes would be consistent with visiting rural areas in Texas My trepidation was the flights and they proved to be "okay" if I took precautions. Its not for everyone, and I understand people that can't find the comfort level necessary to enjoy the trip.

Enjoy Austin, wonderful, beautiful, city.

Posted by
1688 posts

Glad to see your trip went well and appreciate your viewpoint. In a different thread, 'mike's dream' has a similar train of thought regarding his trip to Italy. He mentions that "there is simply an air of desperation about the whole situation." I somewhat agree. Just the other week I met an acquantance, who was going to the clinic for an annual. She told me it was the first time she had been out of the house since March.

If you are allowed to travel, have given serious thought to all conditions and circumstances and it still works for you, then good luck. I was gung-ho for my trip to Bavaria in September, and so was my wife until sometime in July - "Er, I'm not so sure about this," she uttered, after speaking with her old employer, a doctor. All downhill from then. Then again, some of the attractions we planned on visiting are closed. Of those that are open, monasteries, castles, museums etc, all require wearing of a mask. While I agree with mask wearing where needed, I've grown to really dislike it and it would have bugged me no end on holiday. Crossing into Austria for day trips may also have been an issue. On the bright side, it's been pissing it down with rain in the Bavarian Alps for the last two weeks.

Posted by
4971 posts

Thanks for the well-expressed report on your thought and planning process. So many of the decisions we all will be or are making are individual and for those who must come to a different conclusion, it is good to see the process. I see so many comments in other forums that don’t allow for this.

At some point I hope to be making some of these same sort of plans, with as much forethought.

Posted by
2252 posts

This is a wonderful post, James. Your trip was well-considered, well-planned and well-executed. I am happy it was such a success. My Grandpa taught me to fly fish when I was small. We also fished for brookies, cooked them over the campfire and ate them out of hand. Nothing better. Thank you for this positive report and the fond memories of my Grandpa.

Posted by
32398 posts

James E,

You certainly won't get any "negativity" from me. I'm glad that you were able to travel and that you had such a nice time.

As someone we all know frequently says, "Keep on travelling!"

Posted by
20841 posts

After reading another thread, something else came to mind.

Not once did I ever get any indication that any citizen of Albania resented my presence there under the current circumstances. In fact I can think of no other trip where the people were more welcoming or kinder than what I encountered in Albania. There was no "Stay away" attitude perceivable.

Some of us (me included) skim these threads and often overlook things. So the actual trip is

Posted by
10736 posts

Sounds like an excellent trip. IMO, getting out of the States is the hardest part. Was Istanbul the only port of entry you could use without a quarantine? It does add a lot of time to the trip.

Once in Europe, everyone has to be careful in their choices, as James and most people are. We're in our third week (living) in France, in a mildly affected area. Tourists are here from different European countries. Adults are masked. High schoolers, some, old people vary--under the nose, under the chin, some wearing it correctly. Numbers are higher, so we'll see what's required in the coming weeks or if they go back down.

European tours are starting, I was surprised to learn! TheLouvre emailed me about organized trips to various special exhibits In other countries. Out of my price range, but health precautions were spelled out. One of the French tour companies we use is going to Albania--no fishing, though. I'm planning a tour to Rome Christmas week (refund guarantee if needed). Meanwhile, Karen posted on her blog that Barley the dog is taking them to Rome at Christmas. So, at this point, James' trip is in line with how many Europeans are traveling. It appears the hardest part is getting out of the States.

Posted by
3267 posts

This is excellent James. I think that it could be a newspaper or magazine article to help others make the decision about whether it's safe for them to travel. As you've pointed out, there are many factors to consider and what's right for one, isn't necessarily the best option for someone else.

It was really nice of you to keep us all posted day-by-day. Something to look forward to!

I am envious as I'm not as brave or as willing to take the risk.

Continue to stay well!


Posted by
20841 posts

Bets, in theory I could have gone through London. They were advertising that they were open for transfers. But I had less confidence that the UK wouldnt change the rules before I got there than I did for Istanbul. The flight cost on this trip was about $800 out of Houston and that was a real factor.

At first I hated the idea of sleeping in the Istanbul airport hotel, but you know, waking up early, getting a good meal and hopping on a 1:40 flight to Tirana meant that I arrived pretty fresh and ready to go at it. No jet lag.

Posted by
3113 posts

I am so envious of your trip. It whets my appetite for the postponed Albania-N Macedonia-N Greece-Bulgaria trip that I have been thinking about.

Posted by
20841 posts

Paul, to do Albania well you need 7 to 10 days actually on the ground. It's a long stretched out country; or at least it seems long because the road network isnt great because of condition, size and because of natural obstacles that make you make long detours. For instance from Tirana to Valbone we had to drive through Kosovo. And dont forget you can easily reach Corfu from Albania and then enter the Greek mainland for Corfu. At least thats what I would do. May try it in the early Summer.

I've never been to N. Macedonia but I have researched it a bit. I could be dead wrong but it appears to be a 4 or 5 day location.

Bulgaria is one of my favorite places. You could spend two weeks there and still just scratch it, but to hit the high points you could do it in 7 to 10 days if you dont mind a few one night stays. I good source on Bulgaria would be Ufkuk.

A good way to reach the region is Turkish Air which opens the possibility of a few nights in Istanbul.

The travel company that helped me a lot on my trip works in Albania and N. Macedonia and in Bulgaria so that might be of assistance to you. Let me know if you are interested and I will pass along the contact information. While I was there they were setting up a bus trip to Istanbul for Albanian citizens. 109 Euro double occupancy for three nights in Istanbul including the bus ride to and from. A bit too long a bus ride for my taste, but the cost is amazing.

Posted by
4670 posts

I am very Covid-risk-averse and if you want to trigger me, show up(or advocate for showing up) in a crowded public place (especially indoors) without a mask. (Of course, if I know in advance that it's crowded , I definitely won't be there. ) That being said, I agree with Carol's assessment of James E's decision-it seems well-thought out and planned with safety precautions for himself and others.

Posted by
20841 posts

Thank you Cala. You and I are not that far apart. I am less risk adverse than you (probably) but I do understand and do respect your point of view. There are those events where everyone there should have an expectation of more lax distancing and mask protocols; and in those, like a restaurant, its a choice to be or not to be. But there are the daily activities like the grocery store where the expectation needs to be compliance. When people don't, I get bent. I was furious on the Turkish Air flight when the mask protocol wasn't enforced. At least I feel good that it wasn't US citizens. We aren't getting back to anything approaching normal until we all make some minor sacrifices. If people don't think the mask works, fine, then do it for those that do. I cant live like this so we do all have to pull together to open our lives again.

Posted by
15107 posts


I'll say you got guts. I admire your temerity.

Posted by
20841 posts

Hi, Fred, long time. I considered my age, general health, life philosophy; with all the precautions the trip crossed the reasonable threshold for me. Doesn't mean it makes sense for anyone else.