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Political issues are helpful to me as a traveler

To me, travel is never separate from political issues. I have not yet read Rick's recent book (it's next on my list!) but I thought it was part of the ETBD philosophy to learn about the culture and history of the country we are visiting, as well as see the sights, and taste the food. After all, on each Rick Steves tour I have been on, our guide has recommended books which have much information about the culture and politics of the country we are traveling through.... So if someone posts a political insight about a particular destination on the Helpline(as long as it's not bickering chat) is not that insight as helpful to many travelers as a tip on where to get the best slice of pizza or find a good price on a great small hotel?

Posted by
4412 posts

I think it can be just as helpful - for approximately 3 posts. Then things inevitably break down/blow up. And that's a shame. The post goes bye-bye, along with the list of potentially interesting books/films... Perhaps if you truly don't want 'to start something', then think carefully about how you are about to phrase your political 'insight'...A little forethought would go a l-o-n-g way (unless you just WANT to bicker...). This IS the HELPline, not the World Cage Fighting League ;-)

Posted by
160 posts

Two excellent sources of political insight in Europe are "The Economist" magazine and the weekly EU sponsored and produced TV show, "European Journal" which is broadcast on PBS. I agree that sharing political insight on the Helpline is both insightful and entertaining. Sadly, the previous poster was correct in her evaluation of some poster's intolerance of other's views. It is still a free county though, isn't it? Post away, Grace!!!

Posted by
331 posts

Thanks Grace, that had been my intention. I had the post pulled because someone reported me. The webmaster considered the content of my post fine, just should be on graffiti wall he said, but the comments made by others were becoming out of hand and he considered it best to stop it. My intention had been to give folk a little more confidence about coming to Germany as regards crime. My 'mistake' according to some, was to use the words 'German race' instead of 'German culture'. When I posted it I didn't even expect a response, I was just backing up what some one else had said on a previous post. Should have put it on graffitti board, along with all the others that just give info like informing us all when the clocks go back etc. What webmaster is saying I suppose is that we shouldn't use this page as a place to give unsolicited information.

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23554 posts

When I think of the term, political issues, I think of more current "issues." Not sure I want to argue/discussion those subjects. But am interested in the political background, culture, current and past political history, etc. are all important and necessary to develop a good understanding and appreciation of the current culture.

Posted by
12040 posts

Oh no, not that 'Travel as a Political Act" stuff again...

Posted by
100 posts

Grace, I think it is just as helpful to post a political insight as well as a cultural one about an intended destination, especially if it's made by someone who actually lives in that destination. It's very revealing to me to read different opinions and reactions here as to who offers genuine heartfelt opinions and advice as opposed to those who post here and eventually reveal themselves to be intolerant and small minded know-it-alls. To me, travel is never separate from political issues and political views are a reflection of one's character and vice versa.

Posted by
791 posts

The problem of course is that Europe is like the US; plenty of differing political opinions and views. So a particular political "insight" posted by a poster here really equates to nothing more than an opinion. I've lived in Europe more than 12 years now and one thing I've found is that there are many more political views than are represented in the average European media.

Posted by
331 posts

The only problem I see Rik is that a political or cultural opinion when not conducted face to face can lead to misunderstandings. One reaction fuels another until sight is lost of the original posting. No one is going to get on their high horse if they disagree about where to get a good pizza. As you say the wealth of political diversity within Europe is amazing. However, what I love about Europe is, where else in the world could you travel for a day or less by car and as you cross each border be met with a different language, a different people and opinions, different expectations, politics, culture, religion, architecture, food etc. If I could, rather than have 'British' on my passport I would have 'European'. I find the fact that such diversity can find common ground in a Union comforting.

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1035 posts

It is an unfortunate reality of modern America that it has become difficult to discuss politics without it becoming political and polarizing. Each side is Hitler reincarnate if you believe the true believers. Seems like, for all the bickering in the US, a Republican and a Democrat are not all that different when compared to the extreme contrasts within Europe. I love trying to understand the politics in other countries and that I don't have to take sides.

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12040 posts

"It is an unfortunate reality of modern America that it has become difficult to discuss politics without it becoming political and polarizing." There you have it, exactly why I DON'T want travel to be seen as a "political act". There's enough things that have been needlessly politicized these days, let's not make travel one more thing to divide people further apart.

Posted by
331 posts

There can be times however when a little knowledge of the politics and culture of a particular country are paramount. Someone wandering the towns and villages of Turkey, especially those inland and less touristy, in shorts and a bikini top is an affrontary to the locals. In fact I had problems in inland Turkey in a Tshirt and knee length skirt. I should have had my legs and arms and shoulders covered.

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1035 posts

Not really Godwin's law Kent. If anything, I was only asserting the use of Godwin's (without calling it such) by partisans on both sides. I am not referring to anyone or any political position as Hitler like.

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3255 posts

The problem with the post about the "German race" is that not only are the Germans not a "race", but the use of the term conjures up images of the "master race"' which was the basis for the horrors inflicted by the Nazis upon those whom they considered inferior. So several people suggested that what Shoni meant to say was German culture or nationality, but she insisted that she really did mean "race". And she reinforced that by saying they are "inherently honest", meaning it is genetic. I don't know what to call that (apart from saying it is so wrong), but it is not "political". If someone feels that Germany is a nice safe place that is fine, but hey, I've lived in small towns in the US where we didn't lock our doors either. I wouldn't try that is Berlin, Munich, or other city in Germany or anywhere else.

Posted by
100 posts

I really would like to see an 'Off Travel Topics/General Discussion/Rant Politics and Sociology Till You Drop/ You're full of Crap and Here's Why' type category here on this site, but I suspect it wouldn't prevent the sour vindictive bleed-over present from thread to thread by posts such as the preceding post, attempting to demonize someone by name and containing virtually no information relative to the subject of this thread.

Posted by
138 posts

I have read all of the replies to my query with great interest. I now believe I should have said "political insights" rather than "political issues". And I definitely did not mean "political opinions of the person who posts"! I have no desire to go to a forum where people rant politically!.... I do think it is as important to understand the current political culture of a country as it is the past. I heartily agree with the rule that two posts per person per thread is a good rule.

Posted by
995 posts

NOTE TO ALL: In reference to the original post, if you are coming to the Helpline to simply share tips, recommended books, political insights, or otherwise share info unsolicited by a question in the Helpline, that is what our Graffiti Wall is for. If you're not familiar with it, there is a link to it in the breadcrumb above. If you don't find a topic that fits what you'd like to share, you may email the webmaster requesting a new topic on the Graffiti Wall. New topics in the Helpline are reserved for travel questions only. Thanks!