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This is a general question about how the PM system works, I think.

Since my trip to Jordan last year, I have received a pretty good number of messages for contact info for the driver I used. Several have been regular posters here and a couple have reported back to me about their trips. I am always happy to help and love hearing from travelers!

This question, though, is about the 50% of messages I get that are from first time posters I never hear from again. I treat them all as serious questions - but at a guess, would you think it’s people really asking for information? Or a bot trolling the internet? What would be the advantage of that? (I can’t think of one.) Or just people doing a Google search and they came up with my trip report but don’t bother to say thanks or reply in any way? No one asks for personal information….

Just had another today and it made me curious enough to see if others had these sorts of messages.

Posted by
12253 posts

"Please", 'thank you" , politeness and good manners in general are becoming relics of a bygone era.

Many people are just used to saying "alexa.., I want....

Posted by
8696 posts

I get those, too - people ask for information and then after I spend some time on the response, I never hear back. I think a lot of it is what Joe is saying - people nowadays do not bother to acknowledge and thank others for help. I can't tell you the number of gifts I've given to relatives and friends for showers and birthdays where I never received a thank you or acknowledgement. I'm sure motivations differ - some people may be lazy or procrastinate and others just don't think it's important.

But by the same token, people here on the public forum also do that. How many times have we responded to posts from (usually) first time posters who never bother to come back and acknowledge or thank those who took the time to help. It's not just the PMs.

For me, I keep doing it because I enjoy it as I know you do. It's nice to be thanked but I think for most of us it's the joy of sharing our love for travel with others. Hopefully even if they don't respond, they still appreciate it. :)

Posted by
5071 posts

Well, I don’t worry about people saying thank you - I do know how the internet promotes a feeling of anonymity. But I have just received a number of PMs with the same question, so I began to wonder about whether or not they were even real people. And wondered if that had happened to anyone else.

And again - several people have asked and we’ve discussed my information. So I don’t mean any of them!

Posted by
5656 posts

I'm curious too. Do the PMs sound human? Do they give their name in their message?

I sometimes wonder if new posters have the setting in their profile that alerts them if they receive a message.

When I've tried to confirm I'm talking to a real and sincere person, I cautiously try to engage them in conversation.

Posted by
5071 posts

They do sound human. And everyone is polite. But they all ask the same question: contact info for my driver in Jordan. Which I have his blessing to provide. So our regulars (several) respond and one really nice lady messaged with a report on their trip, which I loved. I am hoping to meet her at some point. But 50-75% have never posted even once and I never get a response…. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Posted by
34622 posts

Sorry they are bothering you TexasTravemom, ms. G.

I have a theory that that could be the same person, maybe even the driver, signing in as different new names to build traffic some how, hmmmmmmm... how's their grammar and spelling?

I got a few PMs during the train strikes and I communicate with friends, but nothing like yours, certainly nothing repetitive...

Posted by
8696 posts

TexasTravelmom, I get it - that is a little weird if they're all asking about your driver, but like you said, it's probably first time posters who read your trip report and want that information.

One thing you could do is ask Andrew to have a look at them to see if he can spot any irregularities. He would have access to their ISP and could see if many are coming from the same place. If there is some bot or spammer targeting members here, I'm sure he would want to know.

Posted by
5071 posts

Good thoughts! Am sitting on a plane in London at the moment (about to have no connection for the rest of today), but when I get home I may go back and take a count just for curiosity.

Posted by
8696 posts

I sometimes wonder if new posters have the setting in their profile that alerts them if they receive a message.

CW, the default setting when you sign up for an account is that an email is automatically sent if someone replies to your post. However, if you send a PM, you will not be notified of a response unless you actively change the settings to allow it.

Posted by
5071 posts

I could call right now from the plane while we are delayed! LOL! Just transferring through from
Madrid to DFW this time. But I’ll be back end of November for a week in London!

Posted by
11894 posts

I can't tell you the number of gifts I've given to relatives and friends for showers and birthdays where I never received a thank you or acknowledgement.

So true and sad! We send so many gifts to people who do not live nearby and I only want to know ‘Did they receive it?’. I don’t even care if they liked it, LOL!

Posted by
9334 posts

As a suggestion, post this info with a link or email address, on your trip report and then anyone who wants it can have it without bothering you.

Posted by
15185 posts

Well, that is bizarre. I like the suggestion to contract Andrew and let him take a look when he has time.

You could also ask a question back first and see if you get a response, or just ignore totally. I suspect totally ignoring would be difficult for you!

Welcome home, lol!!

Posted by
34622 posts

Here I was hoping that PMs meant discussion about the next UK Prime Minister.

Posted by
5071 posts
  1. Indeed - Ms. Jo for the win. I am going to go back and include it.

When I wrote my report, I hadn’t asked permission to include it and somehow it didn’t feel ok (and I was probably wrong - after all, it’s a business). A few months ago, I did ask and receive approval - so that has changed.

  1. I sure hope no one hears me say I mind getting PMs with questions! Nor do I think I need a thank you! I was mainly wondering if I was missing some kind of internet problem I didn’t know to look for.

  2. I did go back and count and my perception wasn’t exactly right. I have received 17 requests for the contact info in the last year - and 8 of those responded in some way after I sent it. So the rest were from people with no posts on the forum, who didn’t reply, for whatever reason.

  3. Nigel, I try hard to avoid politics, so I am ill-equipped to ask a question about Prime Ministers (except maybe “Who is it now?” ) Sorry to be so boring…. LOL! And yes, a long day but home, Pam!

Posted by
144 posts

Someone posted about the forum fading away. Not with you super posters!

There’s a legacy of tens of thousands of posts from the authors here and someone wants to ruminate about PM inquiries? It’s all fascinating where the art of responding outpaces the actual subject matter.