We have family in Liege Belgium and a new baby granddaughter to visit. The best time, from the family's perspective, is August. We want to spend time with our family but also want to incorporate a road trip into our time in Europe. We're throwing around a lot of ideas and would really appreciate tips from expert travelers. We're not novice travelers. We will fly into and out of Brussels. We will have a rental car for all or part of the trip.
We've seen a lot (Brussels, Bruges, Ghent, Flanders/WWI sites) but not all of Belgium and would like to visit new destinations in Belgium and one or two nearby countries.
Amsterdam and other places in the Netherlands are probably tops on our list. Other possible destinations include Cologne and Normandy. We've also toyed with focusing on the Loire Valley or even Strasbourg FR. We'll have about 10 days. Obviously, we can't do it all in that time. We'd love your insights.
This won't be our last trip (hopefully) so we want to focus on quality rather than miles traveled. Thanks in advance.