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Planning a trip to Rome, Paris, Barcelona and Madrid(think is possible??)

Im planning a trip to Rome, Paris, Barcelona and Madrid(not all Spain sorry) 15 days..Dont know if its too much for one trip (Dont think i will be going back soon to Europe). I was thinking first Rome and Paris but then I said to myself, "whell if you are already there go to Spain and then i added Barcelona" Im going with my husband for our "real honeymoon" i guess.
Really appreciated any tips

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536 posts

Shira - My personal suggestion would be to do Rome and Barcelona - Two absolutely fabulous cities that deserve and require time to see the wonderful things they have to offer.


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11525 posts

Two countries, not three. You will find plenty of daytrips to do from Paris and Rome,,, I haven't been to Barcelona,, so can't speak to that,, but, truly, choose two main hubs and enjoy the trip.

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76 posts


i was thinking of going to Rome without doing any day trips, just to Versalles.. Paris and Barcelona..withouth doing Spain.. Or just do Rome and so confused...

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606 posts

I'll take the contrary side. I see this as doing 3 cities, not 3 countries, in 15 days. In the age of jet planes, that's certainly do-able as long as you can afford all the plane tickets! Spend 5 or 6 days in Rome, fly a few hours and you're in Barcelona for 3 or 4 days, fly a few hours* and spend 5 or 6 days in Paris.

Nothing wrong with that, as long as you accept that you're not going to get out of town much to see the "real" country. You can certainly do and see a LOT in those cities in 4 or 5 days each, and even have time for some day trips to the countryside.

How much you chose to do will determine how worn out you are, but that will be the same even if you spend the whole 2 weeks in one location!

*Realize that you'll spend most of a day, not just a few hours, getting to and from airports, waiting for your flight, etc. as you move between cities. But that's not the end of the world. You'll still have the evening in a new place to enjoy a good meal in a new city, and the wine of a new country!

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8293 posts

I second Patrick's sensible attitude on this.

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964 posts

I'm with Patrick and Norma. I think you could have a wonderful trip, just remember as Patrick says, you'll be spending a good part of a day travelling when you switch cities. But that's definitley do-able. Good luck!

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16770 posts

Let me add my agreement with Patrick, Norma and Maggie.

The way you put it in your original question it looked like Rome, Paris, Barcelona and the rest of Spain.

But three cities only is simple. (And especially since you said you probably won't be going back soon, then do what makes you happy.)

As stated previously, look for discount flights between the three cities. And fly open jaw...into your first city from PR and home from your third. The cities are too far apart for the train.

My suggestion would be that whichever city you choose to be first, add an extra night. Chances are you'll be a little jet lagged and can use the extra time to adjust.

Posted by
606 posts

Seeing that Shira is from Puerto Rico, I'm sure there's an understandable desire to give a little extra time in Spain at the expense of Rome and Paris.

I've visited Rome with my friends from Spain and it's amazing to hear my friends speak to the Italians in Spanish, the Italians respond in Italian, and everybody understands everybody (and I don't understand a thing)!

And there's a sense of camaraderie. When my friend spoke to an Italian waiter in English once, the waiter asked him, in Italian, "Why are you speaking to me in English? Just speak Spanish. We are brothers!"

So maybe start with 6 nights in the Barcelona area, for an easy introduction to European culture while using a familiar language, then travel to Rome, 5 nights there in an almost-Spanish culture, then travel to Paris for 4 nights there, where you can enjoy the French and their "special" version of the Romance Languages. That's your 15 nights, and plenty of time in each city, with time to venture outside Barcelona if you want.

What a great "real honeymoon" you will have!