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phoning in morocco

I assume I would have the same facility of buying and using an international phone card in Morocco? Can someone confirm this & maybe add a word about availibility of public phones for card use? Thanks.


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417 posts

Yes, you are correct, they are available from tobacco shops. In Marrakech, there are pay phones by the Djemma El Fna. They can only be used with a calling card for international calls. I did not have a card, so used the phones and bought a card from a vendor nearby. It was horribly expensive, in short, I was ripped off. I think I ended up paying $20 for a 5 minute call.

On the other hand, I don't recall seeing any other pay phones in the country, so I'm not sure what you would do.

Now, my wife has a cell phone that can be used internationally and the rates are superb. That may be a better bet for you as well.

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76 posts

In Morocco you will find public telephones at the city Post Office. The sign will read: "Poste-Telegraph-Telephone."

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9110 posts

I've seen several pay phones scattered around, but most appeared rather beat up. I've also seen what I can only describe a phone parlors -- bunches of phones in a room with tables with partitions and chairs all lined up.

A couple of years ago a buddy and I were knocking around most of the country. He had a card (source or reason unknown) which he was determined to use. Finally he gave up and just used my phone.