Hi all just a quick question about calling home, last time I was in europe I just bought time cards and would use either a public phone or a phone in my hostel. I plan to do the same my question is, my boyfriend does not have a home phone (land line) but uses a cell phone with Rogers. I am wondering if I call him from Europe will he be charged long distance. I had planned to call Rogers themselves but gave up after half an hour on hold! thanks
Cellphones aren't usually charged long distance for incoming calls, but I'm not familiar with that company. Is there a store you can stop into to ask that question? My initial feeling is that he won't be charged long distance unless he calls you.
You may look into getting an ekit phone card. There's a special number folks call you from home and they aren't charged so he can call from a pay phone or someones land line because I am sure he'll still be charged minutes. It gives you voice mail, email and you can listen to your voicemails online if you want to as well. I like it and its about 5-6 cents a minute though some times there is a connect fee but not much. www.ekit.com
Thanks for the useful info, will look into that card idea!
In the U.S, the cell phone user is only charged minutes of time no matter where the call comes from. Only outgoing calls are charged - and generally they are charged the same for any call within the U.S. but a higher rate for calling international numbers.
In parts of Europe, incoming calls are free of a per-minute charge to European cell phone users but the person calling them pays a higher rate.
Your boyfriend won't be charged long distance, just air time. It doesn't matter where the phone call comes from.