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23281 posts

A little humor ?? I was OK with it until he listed the Rocky Mts.

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5678 posts

This has to be a bit of a spoof on all the books that have been publishing lately on places to visit. I spotted two in Borders on Friday--501 Destinations and 501 Cities. He got me long before the admonition to not go to the Rocky Mountains when he pointed out that Vermont was too polluted to visit and NYC had too many sweaty people. ; ) Pam

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1170 posts

I have visited Jackson, Tennessee several times in winter and spring without being hit by a tornado.

Some people think he's a nut case, LOL

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12172 posts

There are very few places where you are immune to any natural or manmade disaster. Most of the natural disasters are seasonal so you can at least work around it. Manmade disasters can be largely avoided with common sense (don't visit during a strike or event that will generate huge crowds).

No matter how much you plan, you can still be hit by a car crossing the street in front of your house. The best laid plans ...