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Permission to remain in Ireland past 90 days

Hello again,

It probably seems as if I'm dense. You'd be surprised how hard it is to put this all together into a coherent stream of information.

Does anyone know if to apply for "permission to remain", you have to already have a student or work visa? I know you cannot apply for permission to remain until you are in Ireland and that you apply with the Garda there. That's info from the consulate, gotten several times. I also know about how to apply for a student visa. But I don't know if the 2 are inextricably linked. I also don't know if you can only apply for a student visa while in the states or if they might tell you that you can't stay even for the initial 90 days without one.

Thanks again for any info.

Posted by
8293 posts

Kathy, it seems to me that you keep asking the same question every time but couched in a different way . You want to stay more than 90 days, that much is clear. You already have an airline ticket with a 120 day return date. You would like someone here to give you a definitive answer to your dilemna. How do you know you can trust any answers you will get here on such a crucial (to you) matter? Please go to the proper authorities for information so that you don't end up in tears at Dublin airport.

Posted by
23557 posts

Ditto what Norma says in CAPITAL LETTERS. You are asking extremely technical questions that have a great implication for you IF the answer you receive here is WRONG. My sole experience with a student visa was in Spain and it had to be obtained through the Spanish consulate in SF prior to leaving the US. It took about two months. Call the Irish consulate and stay on the phone till the question is answer. Or visit if they are in SF.

Posted by
16059 posts

I'm going to sound like a broken record but...I agree with the above keep asking the same question here which no one can answer officially...have you:

1) Spoken to your school in Ireland and asked their advice?

2) Have you called the Irish Embassy in Washington? Apparently, only they can do the paperwork for a Irish Student Visa, not the consulates.

I will tell you this much. YOu show up in Dublin with a return ticket for 120 days, and when they ask how long you plan to stay, and say 120 days, they will put you on the next plane back. No tourist visa will allow you to stay that long. And you show up with a musical instrument, they're going to assume you plan to work by playing music.

You need to get a Student Visa.

Let me repeat it...You need to get a Student Visa.

I'll say it again... you need to get a Student Visa.

And if you don't understand what everyone is telling you, and you have called both the Irish Embassy in WAshington and your school, and still aren't sure, then call someone at the Irish Immigration Agency in Dublin.

And when you call the Irish Embassy, don't give them a 5 minute story about you wanting to stay and permisssion to remain, and you're doing this and doing that andget them confused like you've gotten us confused. Tell them you are taking a four month music class and need a student visa so you can stay the four months.

End of story.

Posted by
24 posts

Wow, this is almost as brutal directness as in the pubs during a football match! :)

I changed my ticket to 88 days so I'll be fine entering Dublin. I've also done everything you all keep screaming at me to do. (Screaming is fine, btw, it's just so funny how passionate this website is!)

The school hasn't sent me the letter I need so I was just wondering if I'd be ok not getting the student visa until after being there a few weeks. Also I don't have the money in my account yet to make it work for them. But on the day I arrive I'll be fine with the 88 day return ticket and my higher bank balance in hand and proof of insurance etc.

Thanks again and when I hear the loudest Americans at the pub, I'll know who ye are!!!

Posted by
12313 posts

Apply for a visa. You can travel visa-free up to 90 days. For more days get a visa, it's not that hard to get but I think permission to work may be significantly harder.

Posted by
16059 posts

Kathy, we're going to drum this into you even more. When you arrive in Dublin, it is up to the immigration officers whether or not to let you into Ireland. It is not automatic. They can say..."no"...even if you have a student visa. Or no visa. Even just traveling as a tourist they can say "no."

If you show up with 88 days, and say you are there to take classes, they might say.."where's your student visa?" No visa, go home. Or they might not.

You seem to want to take chances, then I say, "good luck." It's definitely not how I would do things.

Posted by
1589 posts

" you all keep screaming at me "

The screaming, young grasshopper, is within you. Take the proper path.

Posted by
800 posts

Alright, don't ask me why, but this question has been bothering me since it first came up on the helpline. From the little googling I've done it does seem like she has, indeed, been given correct information about not needing to get the student visa until AFTER arrival. The Irish Consulate website says that only students from certain countries need Visas ahead of time and then I found this as well from a "study abroad in Ireland site":

Ireland students: If you're going to Ireland, you aren't required to obtain a Student Visa before you depart; instead your Visa will be issued after you arrive in Dublin using certain documents that you must bring with you. ASA will give you details about the required documents after you have been accepted.

So, Kathy - it does seem like you need to wait to get whatever proper documentation it is that the SCHOOL is sending to you. Why not download Skype now and use it to call them for pennies/minute? It will give you practice and perhaps speaking directly to the school will finally get your questions answered.

Posted by
24 posts

It was a joke, the screaming part.....

At this point my plan is to apply for the visa as soon as I can, waiting for the document from the school, and getting as much money in my account as I can. I should then at least get the student visa by June and then I can ask to have it extended at that point.

I'm not trying to find an answer that I want, just what is true.

I'll post in the summer to say that all worked out...

Thanks for the help,
