We've booked accommodations in Dubrovnik and need to pay a deposit. What's the best way to do this for safety and for the best exchange rate, PayPal, wire funds, check? Thanks in advance for your help.
Will they accept a check? I think PayPal would be the best if they won't accept a credit card. Wiring funds isn't cheap!!
I would never wire funds. You have no recourse. Check is difficult because of foreign currency translation problems. PayPal would be best of the 3 if they do not take credit cards.
My first choice would be a credit card. If anything goes bad, you have recourse through your bank and their merchant contract.
With both PayPal and a transfer service like Western Union, one may use a credit card to execute his transaction online, so any recourse you might otherwise enjoy when making purchases with a credit card will be available to you in this case as well. I have used both of the above to make deposits for hotels in Europe. I can't recall the fees...$10 or $20, so pretty high. I haven't used Dwolla, but it does the same thing, and the fee you pay is literally pennies per transaction...check it out: https://www.dwolla.com/