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Paying for accomodations with cash

We are staying in apartments during two legs of our trip to Italy. These are multiple day stays. Credit cards are not accepted and this means caring large amounts of cash (500-600 for each stop in euros). My ATM card does not allow for this large amount to be withdrawn. What is a good practice in this case?

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2776 posts

Call or visit your bank and ask for an increse in your limit? I was able to do this for my trip to Croatia where no one wanted credit cards!

Posted by
208 posts

My husband and I had the same type of issues. Our bank allowed us to take out 250 dollars a day. We took out the money for the hotel over several days. Make sure you let your back know you are going to be using your card in Europe, so they don't block it.

The other thing we did for another part of our trip was pre perchase through AAA a visa cash card. We had no limit as to how much we could take out a day. Our only limit was how much the ATM we were using would limit us to take out at a time.

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23561 posts

Take two debit cards tied to two different accounts. You should do this anyway just for backup and security. With two cards you can withdraw the max each day which should cover you.

Side note -- look very carefully at the fine print for the AAA preload cash card. Two years ago the fees were excessive -- in the range of 10 to 12%. It was not a good deal then but may have changed since then.

Posted by
208 posts

In Nov 2006 the AAA card charged me $2.50 per transaction (now it is $3) but I only used it to take out cash. My Bank of America charged me $5.00. It also has a 3% mark up for foreign exchange (I just looked it up on the AAA web site) but since my sister had over $1500 taking out of her bank account by someone in Italy who got her pin number, 3% was worth it to me.

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934 posts

If you ask your bank they will raise your limit.My at home limit is 230.00 US and in europe I can get 600 euros.If they wont, get another account at a different bank.

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875 posts

You can always purchase Euros before you leave. If you travel safely using money belts, etc., it should not be a problem. In this way you can avoid multiple fees at the ATM machines.

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23561 posts

But I have never been able to purchase Euro stateside at less than about a 10% premium. Under the worse conditions ATMs total fees will be less than 5% most times as low as 2%.

Posted by
365 posts

Chuck, as other posters have noted your bank will increase your withdrawal limit if you simply ask them to. Also, get from your bank the names of partner banks in Italy. These partner banks are the only banks that will allow you to withdraw more than a set amount, regardless of whether or not you've arranged to increase your withdrawal limit. For example, the partner banks for Bank of America in Italy are Deutsche Bank and Banca Antoniana. I suggest you do a little research and find the addresses for these banks.

Most ATMs now limit your withdrawal to 250 euros, which as we know is currently a pathetic amount of money.

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1455 posts

I am renting an apartment in Paris and have the same issue for my security deposit. I was able to work out a deal with half US Dollars, half Euros.

Too bad they won't accept paypal! LOL

Posted by
258 posts

I had this issue too last fall while traveling around Europe. I would just pull the maximum I could from the ATM over the course of a couple days.