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Passport control EU citizen and non-EU spouse

I have both a US and EU passport but my wife only has a US passport. When I travel to Europe alone, I can go through the EU passport line. I've not yet traveled to Europe with my wife, so wondering if when traveling with her, can she accompany me through the EU line or does she need go through the Non-EU line?

Posted by
2876 posts

I'll just point out that having her go through the EU line puts her at risk of having to go through two lines. One, the EU line - only to be turned back. Two, the US line. When she's with you, why would you both not go through the US line?

Posted by
19237 posts

If they let non-EU citizens go through the EU line, they wouldn't need two lines, would they.

Posted by
524 posts

I am in the same situation as you - I have both US and EU passports, but my wife only has a US passport. I can tell you from personal experience that your wife will not be able to accompany you through the EU line.

Posted by
1986 posts

Been There. Both go through the non-EU line. You are going to have to wait for her in any case, may as well be a gentleman and accompany her.

Posted by
571 posts

My ex-wife carries a UK and US passport. Although it was never really proper, she would depart the US on her American passport and enter London on the British one, then reverse on the way home. She could have stuck with me in the visitors queue, but she always choose the short route and waited for me outside the immigration area, then tease me about my long wait when I was done.
(Did I mention that she is now my EX wife?) ;)

Posted by
290 posts

I suggest you both go through the Non-Eu line. That's what my Czech passport holder husband does with me each time we go back to his home.

Posted by
4 posts

Thanks for the great input. I've investigated this in several ways and thougt I'd share what I've learned. In a different forum, the feedback was that, according to EU policy, there is nothing wrong with a spouse of an EU citizen to go through the EU passport control line and, accordingly, it should not pose any issues. Respondants indicated that they rarely if ever ran into any problems in doing so, however, it can depend on the specific country & even the passport control agent encountered.

Posted by
1 posts

I'm a dual Irish and Cdn citizen, My wife is a Canadian.
We go to Europe frequently and two years ago I went through the tourist line at CDG Paris with my wife and they made the issue that when I'm traveling to any EU country, I have to enter using my EU passport AND use the EU lines. Last year we both went through the EU/EEA lines and had no problem whatsoever and will be doing the same this year. Your wife has right to live, work and travel freely in the European Union as much as you do being the spouse of an EU citizen.

Posted by
337 posts

"... Your wife has right to live, work and travel freely in the European Union as much as you do being the spouse of an EU citizen. ..." Actually she only has the right to live and work in the EU where her EU-spouse lives. If Ken continuous to live and work in Illinois, his spouse can not move to, say, Barcelona and work there. Only if Ken moves to Barcelona she can live and work there (and not in Italy either). The rights derived from "being a spouse" are closely tied to said spouse.

Posted by
33469 posts

James, Thanks for your post and welcome to the Helpline. As the zombie thread you reactivated was asked and answered in August of last year the chances are that the original poster has been and returned by now. Also, when you reactivate a zombie thread, the OP's mailbox fills up with notifications.

Posted by
4 posts

Actually, no, we haven't been yet. The more recent updates have been very helpful! Thank you!

Posted by
524 posts

To those couples who have successfully gone through the EU line even though only one has a US passport: Do you have the same last name or proof of marriage? Or do they just take your word for it that you are married?

Posted by
2779 posts

Which airport are we talking about? At LHR T5 for example the non-EU line can even be shorter than the EU line. In that case I would just join her in the non-EU line...

Posted by
15768 posts

It seems to me that there are always officials overseeing the lines. I suggest you go up to one and ask which line to use.