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Passport Card?

I am curious if anyone is using the passport card that was introduced a while back. I got one when I renewed my passport a few years ago, since we are close to the Mexico border and I didn't want take my passport. I also use it for domestic travel as a backup for my drivers license. I think it was $35 which seemed a decent deal to back up my drivers license and use for Mexico.

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16053 posts

Debra, the passport card will come in handy should you drive through Arizona.

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136 posts

I'm on my third passport including extra pages, so yes, I know it is not good for travel beyond the US, Canada and Mexico. I use it for a backup for domestic travel, as well.

Posted by
7612 posts

You do know it cannot be used for international travel by air, right? Otherwise, I think it's a great idea for those who travel a lot or live close to borders, like you. A friend of mine who travels to Canada frequently got it, and he finds it very convenient.

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16053 posts

To expand on what Mardee stated:

The Passport Card can only be used to enter the U.S. from Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean or Bermuda at either land border crossings or sea ports-of-entry. It cannot be used for international air travel.

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1003 posts

I got it when I renewed my passport last year, just as a backup form of ID, like you Daniel. I figure it can't hurt to have it somewhere in my belongings just in case, even if it won't actually get me home. Maybe it would help expediting getting a new passport at the embassy or i could use it at a museum to get an audioguide, that type of thing.

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9369 posts

I just got one when I renewed in July (it was only $20 before the rate increase, so I figured why not). It's actually good for land and sea travel between the US and Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Bermuda. But I plan to use it as backup ID, just as others have said. I was surprised that it doesn't have the same number as my actual passport, as I also thought it might help expedite replacement if the passport book was lost.

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1003 posts

LOL FrankII Guess so ;)

In all seriousness, I just got it because I was renewing and I didn't have to do anything else but write another $20 check and maybe include one more picture. I figured it wouldn't hurt to have even if it has been over a year and a half and i've never taken it out of the sleeve :)

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989 posts

I got one specifically for travel to Canada but find I use it a lot just as ID, especially at airports, because the pic on my passport card is so much better than that mug shot on my state DL. (OK-so I'm a little vain).

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7901 posts

While not valid in itself for International Air travel, it is still a valid ID (like your drivers license) and may be handy in Europe for having an ID on you, without having to carry your passport. As someone mentioned, it also is a strong ID in Europe if you would need to replace your lost passport. If the cost is not an issue...I would opt for adding it on.

Posted by
112 posts

I have one - I'll likely never use it for its intended purpose. The specific reason I have it is for ID checks at the airport. It doesn't contain any personal information besides name and birthdate. TSA can't record my address and there's no other identifying information. Of course there's always the random useless TSA document checker who somehow doesn't know what the passport card is and wants another form of ID, which I politely refuse to offer even if I'm carrying one.