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Passport and New Hair Color Question

When I got my passport, my hair was to my chin and brownish-blond. I have cut it really short since and want to dye it platinum blond. Will I have any troubles traveling? Has any other woman had this dilemma?

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582 posts

I'm sure they are used to this, and people change their eye color too! But I'll tell you what happened at the Milan airport. I didn't change my hair color, and the woman at the counter asked to see another ID because my passport picture does not look like me! I kind of liked that because I hate my PP picture, and glad I don't look like that! lol! But this is the very first time someone said that and asked for another ID.
I had another photo ID with me that does look more like me. Two photo ID's is a good idea just in case someone does ask! So, it may be a good idea to have another photo ID made of the way you look now, but I bet most of the time you wont need it.

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368 posts

I had a passport with me before I had lost about 100 pounds. Needless to say I was asked a couple times by customs where it all went, but it was never a problem!

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1357 posts

I wouldn't worry about it. You may get some looks, but you'll get through.

When we first started traveling, we were much younger, and my husband was going through a grunge stage -- long hair, beard, flannel, that sort of stuff. So that's what his passport picture looked like. Then he cut his hair, got a job with a German company, and started traveling to Germany a few times a year (he has a dress code he has to follow when he flies, too -- no tie, but dress shirts and slacks). He's gotten quite a few comments, but no problems getting through.

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12172 posts

Hairstyles and colors change so the people who look at your passport see past it pretty well. If you've recently done the Micheal Jackson nosejob, however, you may have trouble.

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79 posts

i have long hair which is down in my passport.

sometimes I highlight it sometimes I don't
but it's definately not the exact shade of my passport.

when I travel, I usually wear it in a ponytail.

there's been several times I've been asked to take my hair out of the ponytail.

other than that no issues

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15112 posts

When I got my last passport, I was heavier, had a beard and wore contacts. Since then I've shaved, lost weight, and wear glasses.

I had the same concerns and contacted the U.S. Passport Agency. Their reply was that while It wasn't necessary for me to get a new passport before it expired, it would be easier if I did.