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Pasis Hostels -

Paris Clichy Hostel Has anyone ever stayed at a hostel in Paris. e.g. The Clichy Hostel, 107 Rue Martre Clichy,92110 Paris France
Is this a safe area, and is the hostel a worthy place to stay, and accessable to the airport, etc. YOUR HELP IS APPRECIATED. What are the drawbacks for a couple.

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1806 posts

Constance: Read reviews of any hostel before booking at websites like to see what others have to say about location, safety & cleanliness. That hostel is part of the HI chain. It's definitely a good 15 minute Metro ride to get to the center of Paris (ie, Notre Dame). It also attracts a LOT of school groups which can sometimes be annoying if you are hoping for a peaceful night. There are other hostels which are more central if you want to reduce time spent on Metro. Honestly, as a couple I would find a budget hotel room or look on AirBnB's website & skip the hostel. For what you pay for a private double in a hostel (or 2 bunk beds!) you could pay similar or just a little more & have a nicer room at a hotel, or a small but private studio apartment.

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11507 posts

Constance, as noted, this address is actually outside Paris. You can tell by the postal or zip code. The code for the city starts with 750 and ends with 2 digits that denote the actual arrondissmont( neighborhood). So, for instance, the Latin Quarter, which is in arr. #5 would have a zipcode of 75005. Staying outside the city adds time and money to things, you will always take the metro to go back and forth, while staying inside city there are often many sites that you can walk to and from.
There are hostels inside Paris, I have not stayed at this one, but friend has, she found it clean and nice enough, but it wasn't completely as central as she wanted, but only a short ride to main areas. St Christophers. Many hostels have double rooms if you book early enough, so for a couple they would be fine. There is also the MIJE hostel in arr. #4 (Marais) which is very central. There is also a hotel called " Hotel Perfect" which seems to run similar to a hostel, but has private rooms and good rates, it is well located also. And finally, look at Hotel Marigan, it is well reviewed for a budget hotel, and offers the choice of shared shower rooms or not, which explains good rates for such a central location. I would explore all of those choices before I elected to stay outside city.