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Parks in Europe in March and April

I will be in Spain in the beginning of March, Italy in mid-late March, and Paris and London in early April. Do you think the parks and botanical gardens will be worth a visit? I think they would be interesting to see, but I would prefer if they weren't still bare from the winter months.

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9429 posts

The Luxembourg Gardens in Paris are beautiful any time of year. My favorite place.

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12040 posts

I recall London's parks being pretty green and lush when I was there in late March years ago. Probably not yet in full spring bloom, but by no means bare. You didn't mention it, but April is also the best time to visit Europe's premier tulip garden, Keukenhof in the Netherlands.

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2349 posts

I was in London at the end of March, and Paris at the beginning. London was a little further along in spring than my northern Indiana home, and Paris a little further than London. London had daffodils and forsythia blooming. Grass was green. Definitely worth going.

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16765 posts

We have been fortunate to be in London four times in late March and early April. The parks have always bee green and full of daffodils.