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Paris - Suggestions for feeding 14 year old vegetarian son?

Any restaurant tips for places good for 3 non vegetarians and one child that won't eat meat or fish? ;-)

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8293 posts

There are plenty of Italian restaurants in Paris ... I suppose he eats pasta ?

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4132 posts

Don't forget picnics and cafeterias. Some excellent meals possible with both and everyone gets what they like.

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33175 posts

How do you handle the issue at home? You can actually get pretty good veggies and pasta, salads and cheese in many places in Paris.

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818 posts

Don't know any specific restaurants - we usually eat at bars / pubs with croque monsieurs or soups on the menu. I bet some would just make you a "toasty" cheese sandwich. Had many yummy salads in Paris too. Does kid do dairy? cheese plate! For us getting a cheese plate (often from dessert menu) is a good solution.

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2030 posts

Try L'As du Falafel, in the Marais. Crowded but worth it and young people love it. Get crepes from a sidewalk stand or restaurant. There are a lot of Italian restaurants in Paris that feature pasta, pizza, and salads are everywhere though often they have meat in them. What about cheese?
Then there are the breads, pastries & desserts! Menus are posted outside of every restaurant. Read them before you enter. Search TripAdvisor for vegetarian restaurants also. There are several listed, with reviews and locations. He should do OK.

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206 posts

Since he's 14, I bet he knows how to use the internet. ;-) Perhaps involving him by asking him to google it might help to make him feel like he's part of the process? Also, just because he's vegetarian doesn't mean you have to go to a vegetarian restaurant. Seems to me that most places would have a variety of dishes: salads, soups, souffles, pastas, etc.

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359 posts

as a vegetarian who travels a lot I will tell you Paris is not that hard to find food, a vegan is a little more challenging but if your son eats cheese it's really not going to be a problem
I too recommend the falafels in Marais

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1806 posts

Try searching the listings on They break it down to show places that are vegan, vegetarian and "vegetarian friendly" (meaning enough choices for your kid, but those places are not strictly vegetarian so you will find something for yourselves, too). Happy Cow also lists places at different price levels so you can find places that are quick and cheap for lunch, as well as fancier restaurants for dinner. Will he eat dairy products at all - butter, cheese? Crepes are a good option if he eats eggs or cheese, if not, he's 14 so I'm sure he'd be happy eating a banana & nutella crepe. If you are willing to not always eat French food, you could always find out from your hotel where the nearest Asian or Indian place might be.

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791 posts

I'm facing the same issue - our family will be returning to Paris, including our 17yo vegetarian son (he wasn't vegetarian the last time he visited Paris). We're all foodies (except for the son), and want to eat at plenty of delicious French restaurants. All of the above suggestions work, of course, but they aren't necessarily the typical Parisian/French food restaurants that you'd want to eat a nice or kind-of-nice dinner at. Creperies are a good option, with meat and non-meat choices. We'll definitely do this for lunch one day; probably a picnic another day - we did that on our last visit, and had a great time choosing unusual cheeses. I would guess that some restaurants could accommodate a vegetarian, especially if they have vegetarian appetizers and cheese plates (usually on the dessert list). Here are some places I've come up with as possibilities for our upcoming trip. Each of these has good meat/fish/seafood items, as well as vegetarian appetizers and main courses: Maceo (been there without the vegetarian son, very good); Au Gourmand, Le Clos des Gourmets (Michelin bib), Mon Vieil Ami (been here too, also very good); Au Passage (11th); Fish – la Boissonerie; le 39V (Michelin star).

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565 posts

I certainly have some non-meat wanting days myself, especially after eating something heavy. The easiest and cheapest way I eat veggie is an ethnic restaurant. There are many Indian, Thai, and Middle Eastern places around Europe, and I believe someone smartly mentioned crepes. They can easily be made with cheese only.
Cafes can also make a plate of raw veggies & dressing quite easily. At nice restaurants, there may be off-menu items, as vegetarianism is increasing.