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Paris Museum Pass

Any recommendations on when/where to purchase Museum passes? Best to just purchase when you arrive in Paris, or are there any deals to be had stateside? I see a couple of spots to buy from, but all seem to be about the same in price. If anyone has any recommendations, that'd be awesome.

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1266 posts

We picked ours up at the Lourve. I wouldn't order it ahead of time.

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75 posts

Here's the PMP website:

It should tell you all you need to know. Depending on where you are staying in Paris, there is likely a museum or site near you so you can purchase once you are in Paris.

Don't buy stateside -- the shipping is really $$$ and there's just no need to do it.

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668 posts

You can buy it at the Eurostar station in London. In Paris, buy it at a low traffic museum to avoid long lines.

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251 posts

We purchased our museum pass at a TI office near the Comedie Francaise. A very short line and as a bonus we saw the colonade and gardens of the Palais Royale. If you are a fan of the movie "Charade"( starring Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn) this was the setting of the climatic chase scene in the movie.

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884 posts

Do wait to buy it once in Europe since as mentioned you will pay a lot for shipping. The website provided gives you places where it can be purchased. We easily bought ours at the airport before heading into Paris.

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12040 posts

Any of the above suggestions will work, but to add to the confusion, I bought mine at the Orsay. There is a small enclave next to the main ticket queue where you can buy it. Virtually no line.

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48 posts

Agree with others - buy it at the first place convenient once there. I've bought it at several places. My experience is they sell it anywhere they take it. It is certainly true of the "big" sites. I would also recommend that you DO buy it. I always found it good value and time saver at queues.

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2053 posts

I believe I recall buying ours at the Gare du Nord upon arrival from Amsterdam. The young lady selling it was perfectly helpful and very kind, and there was no line at all. We also thought it was a great value for our needs. I think we got a discounted river boat ride with it (?)