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Paris Metro iPhone App

In anticipation of a fall trip to Paris, I loaded the Paris Metro iPhone app on my phone. Last week, it started sending me traffic bulletins. Does anyone know how to turn this feature off? It wouldn't be a problem if the phone didn't beep everytime it received an traffic bulletin. I got an alert at 4:30 AM Central time this morning!

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22 posts

I think it's about to be history. This Okie mastered the NYC subway system. Surely, I can master the Paris Metro! :-)

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518 posts

I've had a similar problem with other apps. Once, I solved the problem by turning the phone completely off for a while then back on. Another time, I had to just delete the app.

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22 posts

I'm not sure. The icon on the screen is white with a blue M in the center, surrounded by a blue circle. It says Metro Paris under it.

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9110 posts

The simple solution might be just to ditch the app. Every metro station is peppered with system diagrams that you can figure out at a glance and trains are essentially continual.

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333 posts

Zuti Metro for .99c was a very handy app for the metro and for finding your location on the city streets. Very handy. Shows you the closest station, quickest routes, fewest stops,etc.

We used it more than the street map app we bought.