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Paris in November!

Last year's Christmas gift from my daughter was a trip to Paris! We finally booked the flights and hotel today. We leave DFW on Thursday, November 11 and leave Paris for DFW on Wednesday, November 17th. We are staying at the Opera Hotel Cadet. Other than a Tour to the Normandy D-Day beaches on Saturday, November 13th, we have no concrete plans. Naturally, we have some questions: First question: Is it too cool in mid-November for the Hop On Hop Off buses? Same question for the Bike Tours? I've seen many suggestions that the first day be spent on on hop on hop off buses in order to reset your inner clock by staying outside. If it's too cool for that, what would another good option be? I know I'll have many more questions, but I'll start with this.

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1986 posts

Opera is a very convenient area to stay (i dont know your hotel). Unless its raining hard or snowing, taking the HOHO bus on your first day is a very convenient way to get your bearings and decide on areas to go back to. Wear something warm. You dont Have to Hop on hop off- you can just use it for a quick overview. We've been in Europe in December a number of times and the weather has been great to OK . Some recent winters have been horrible- you take your chances. Just have a list of indoor places jut in case. And remember, daylight in Winter is quite short- so be aware in your plans. Cant comment on bike tours. Instinct says I'd rather be in a bus or walking

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10 posts

Sandi, the first time I visited Paris, it was the early part of November and I remember that it was chilly. The best thing is to keep an eye on the weather forecasts and plan accordingly. I have not used the tour buses or gone on the bike tours so I can't comment on that. I learned how to use the subway system and have been using since that time. I also think you get a much better feel for Paris by walking around the city. In fact, I went on a walking tour the first time which provided an excellent way for me to see parts of Paris that most tourists don't frequent. The name of the organization that organized the tour is Parisien j'un jour. Their e-mail address is [email protected]. I hope that helps. By the way, I am originally from Tulsa. I was there in June and July visiting my family.

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10344 posts

You've asked about mid-November Paris weather. Of course no one really knows, weather varies significantly from year to year, blah blah blah. That having been said, in the last 14 years the Paris weather in the time frame Nov 11 to 17 has been an average low temp of 40 (4am) and an average high temp (4pm) of 50. So the best SWAG that could be made is that the daily temps would be in the 40's - however, your results may vary substantially. In the 98 days in the 14 yr historical database for that time frame, there was "some" rain on about half the days. If you want further details about the actual weather in the past in Paris between those two dates, go here:, and input your dates. Of course, you'll be able to start getting a better idea of actual weather in the week before your departure, by going to the usual weather sites.

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132 posts

We'll be returning from Paris the day you leave. (Flying in to Nuremberg, by boat to Trier, Then Paris.) I suspect we'll be getting frosty mornings with days in the 50's or so. The hop on hop off IMHO are good for an orientation and to sit back and see the city. But not a main transportation means. The metro is faster. I found the metro the best way to get around. (We bought a 2 day HOHO pass but never used it after the 1st day.) The views upstairs on The HOHO are better. If my memory is correct there's a windshield to block some of the wind. If it gets too cold or it rains. You can go down stairs. I found taking in Notre Dame and St Chappelle good for the 1st day. Stimulating but not too taxing. Also finding a cafe for cheese, and wine and enjoying Paris. Have a great trip.

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132 posts

Bike Tours. No experience on French Bike Tours. But as a cyclist. Depending on the kind of touring and riding you plan to do. Your problems will be working up a sweat and the chilling effects of the wind. Bring clothes that will wick moisture away from the skin. Layer. And find clothes that will break the wind but still breath.

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69 posts

I took, with my mom and my sister, the Hop on Hop off busses from Open Tour the second and third day we were in Paris and absolutley loved it! It made it very easy to get used to the layout of the city. We got to stop and see a lot of places without any big hassles and also no worries about pickpocketers while in the bus =). I also really enjoyed been able to hear the history of the buildings and place we were seen. We were really suffering from jet lag the first day so we used that day to just walk around the Notredame church and Louvre area, we ate in a couple of nice cafes, people watched and went back to the hotel around 7:30pm. It helped us get used to the time change and we were ready and good to go the next morning =) Enjoy Paris! It is, in my opinion, the best city in the world.

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251 posts

Love Paris, hope you have a wonderful trip, plan on layering for warmth and you should be in great shape. If you have a chance, catch a concert in Saint Chapelle, they have chamber music concerts in the evenings. You can purchase ticketes ahead of time at if you like or purchase them the same day in Paris.

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2349 posts

Your overcoat should be one that you really like and that flatters you. It will probably be in every picture!

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40 posts

Hi Sandi! I'm in Tulsa, too. We're going to Germany for Xmas (son is in military and they live in the western part of Germany), and we're all planning a 3 day hop to Paris on the train while we're there. Would love to hear of your experiences!

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22 posts

I'm sure I'll have more questions between now and November 11th but so far every question I've thought of has been answered by other posts on the forum. I'll be sure to post a report after our trip.

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11 posts

2009 I was in Paris over Thanksgiving - rainy and breezy w one day of full sun - low 40's. 2007 In Paris 2nd week of Nov - full sun but chilly - breezy and about 40ish. Parisians seem to dress for the season and not necessarily the weather. In Nov you will probably see them bundled up regardless of the weather. If you need warmer clothes - sweaters, scarves - go to Tati or MonoPrix [INVALID] not terribly expensive - and you have a good souvenir! JUST BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE US, check here: or just navigate thru look for "this week/next week" and select the appropriate one - you will get a fairly decent idea of what to expect weather-wise. Have a wonderful time!!

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22 posts

Thanks for the weather forecast link. I was wondering how I was going to decipher 'Partly Cloudy w/ a 30% chance of rain' in French. Now I need to find a handy table to convert centrigrade to fahrenheit! :)

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8293 posts

Take the centigrade and double it. Then add 30. This will give you an approximate Farenheit temperature. Certainly close enough to know what to wear and what to do.

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222 posts

Paris is my favorite place on earth and I've been both a tourist and a resident there. When I was touring I did the HOHO bus my first day (I was traveling on my own) and thought it was great. If weather permits, sit on the top deck. Paris is best seen by walking, though. The Metro system is extensive, cheap and great and you can get into a bad habit of taking it everywhere, which is kind of like the gopher method of seeing Paris- spending a lot of time underground and occassionally popping up here and there. As for biking, excuse me, but I cannot imagine biking in the city of Paris, within the city walls (way too dangerous) unless you're a rider in the Tour de France!

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964 posts

Looks like we may be in Paris from Nov 6- 17, so Thanks for posting this question as it has helped me, too. Having been to Paris before and seen the traffic, I don't think we will be cycling though!!