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I've e-mailed several hotels on Rick's Paris list for a 4-day stay in October. The rates they send back are their "Public" Rates. If I go to their website, most show an "Internet" rate that is often at 10% to 20% cheaper or includes breakfast, which the public rates do not. Will I get the same quality of room (using the same description e.g. "Double Superior") using the Internet rate as I would e-mailing or talking to the reservations person?

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23557 posts

That is a hard question to answer. The assumption is yes but who knows. The trend that I have seen developing in the Europe with the internet is the early booking discount much like we see in the states. Recently I have seen the pay in advance with no change, no cancel, no refund discount. They are adopting American practices. Our experience with internet booking is that the rooms have always been acceptable.

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2193 posts

Perhaps you can include that question in an e-mail response back to the hotels that have responded to you with an acceptable offer…might be worth a shot.

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11507 posts

JUst a warning. Ocotbers hotels rates are often very high, it is very much high season for conventions etc.. and many places may even be already full .

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2 posts

Thanks to all for your help and suggestions. I took the plunge and called one of the hotels on my list. The gentleman I talked to (in English fortunately) was very pleasant and able to answer all my questions. The connection was so clear he could have been down the street!

Here's what I learned. An Internet-booked room (or a specially discounted early-booked room) must be paid for when booked--billed immediately to your credit card. The cost is not refundable. This hotel had about 3 or more booking/pricing options. Each one had it's own set of conditions--lots of fine print to study.

At this hotel at least, the actual room secured through a discounted internet booking is the same category as one done by e-mail, fax or phone. However, I'd guess that if the hotel is fully booked an "internet special" client might get a slightly less desirable room than a full-pay guest.

We're going ahead with the internet rate on one of our hotels--it will save us many $ during our stay. We'll see what happens.