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Paris Home apartments

For anyone who has stayed in one of Slim's two apartments, which one would you recommend? Are they identical, or would Apt.2 be quieter because it's higher up? I'm a little concerned about night noise, because there's a restaurant below. We've already made reservations for the end of May, but I'd like to put in a choice now - if it matters. Thanks! trudy

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11507 posts

Trudy,, what is the name of the agency,, I googled Paris Home Apartments and got several similar sounding agencies,, but not that exact one.

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20 posts

Pat, "Paris Home" is the name of the "small outfit with only two small studios", according to Rick Steves' Paris 2012, page 420. It's located on rue Amelie in the heart of the rue Cler area. trudy

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11507 posts

Hmm, well sorry can't help, I don't do Rue Cler,, not my fave area. If its any help I have walked down street later in day and it wasn't too noisey ,, all the market stalls were closed, and people don't make that much noise eating,. ( places are smaller so not like you are over a busy brasserie)

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2092 posts

Trudy, if you're worried about noise, I'd suggest trying or hoping for the flat on the 3rd floor (US 4th floor) so that you'd be "farther away" from the noise. We've never stayed in one of them but have seriously considered them several times. We didn't get to stay there because of lack of availability or we weren't going to be in Paris long enough at one time. We love the rue Cler neighborhood.....actually we love them all! We just keep returning to the 7th arr because we like the markets, the shopping, being able to go for a morning jog around the champs de mars, walking over to the Tuileries and the Louvre and then on down to Notre Dame and then the Latin Quarter. We really like walking, can you tell?!!!

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3580 posts

If you are concerned about noise, sleep with the windows closed. I stayed in one of Slim's apartments; I think it was 2nd floor. It was nice, clean, and very convenient to rue Cler. There is a laundromat on the ground floor. Garbage is collected daily in Paris. If the restaurant isn't noisy, you may still hear the garbage trucks. Rue Amelie is not a big, busy street, so probably not as noisy as the nearby main street.