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Page not loading right?

Is this forum page loading weirdly for anyone else? It's been a few days now and it doesn't seem to matter which browser I'm using (IE, Chrome, Safari), but I can only see the Title, Author and Replies columns, and not the column that shows the date of the latest post. It's just this General Europe page, too: England, Scotland, etc. load fine. Any suggestions?

Posted by
34584 posts

Seems ok to me. I used IE on Windows XP, iOS 9.2 or 3 or whatever is newest, and Chrome on Windows 10 and they all look fine to me.

Often if it scrolls strangely somebody has posted a question the title of which is too long for the display and has no spaces, often spam.

Maybe you were looking at just a moment when there was such a disturbance was happening, then the spam nosher ate it.....

Posted by
1470 posts

Only General Europe is not fully displaying the images for me. All the other sites/links/pages are.

Posted by
32417 posts


The page is loading fine on my computers, however the "General Europe" section is not working right on my iPhone (the others sections are normal). It's been that way for a week or more. I've tried clearing the cache and cookies but nothing seems to work. Not sure what the problem is?

Posted by
71 posts

Short answer: If you use your finger or mouse and scroll left/right, you can see the rest of the hidden content.

Long Answer: In some cases, your browser will hide part of the table that consists of the topic titles, authors, time, and replies. It usually does this in response to limited screen size, but can also happen if your browser is unable to wrap a particularly long title around to a new line.

Posted by
1283 posts

Nikky - your answer doesn't make sense to what we are seeing; can you take the time to look again and revise your answer? Only the General Europe page looks different from the other topics. Thanks.

Posted by
71 posts

It makes sense: I've seen the same behaviour recently on the General Europe page specifically.

In this case one of the topic names is taking up more real estate than normal and causing it to hide part of the content to the right of it. You don't see this in the other forums because they don't have that long topic name, and in the "All Topics" view doesn't have the right sidebar taking up room, so it displays normally.

Posted by
32417 posts


I'm still not clear why this behaviour is only affecting the "General Europe" page on my iPhone, and why the same page on my desktop or laptop are normal? The other sections of the forum display normally on all devices.

Posted by
71 posts

It's because of the topic that has the word "Prague/CeskyKrumlov/Vienna/Budapest/Salzburg/Munich"

We've instructed the browser not to split up the topic words with a "-" in the middle for readability issues, so instead it's forced to render the entire word "Prague/CeskyKrumlov/Vienna/Budapest/Salzburg/Munich" on line line. Since "Prague/CeskyKrumlov/Vienna/Budapest/Salzburg/Munich" doesn't have any sort of space in it, the browser isn't able to split it up to save space, and instead causes the "title" column to be wider than usual.

On something like a tablet or desktop computer, the extra space taken up doesn't matter much. On a phone, "Prague/CeskyKrumlov/Vienna/Budapest/Salzburg/Munich" may take up all of the space it has to display the topics, and pushes everything else to be hidden.

Posted by
2349 posts

Well, my desktop causes it all to shift over. Can you delete that thread to fix it? ;)

Posted by
32417 posts


Would it be possible to configure the mobile version of the Browser to truncate titles that exceed a predetermined number of characters? The full title could be displayed when the user clicks on that thread. Just a thought.....

Posted by
11891 posts

On something like a tablet or desktop computer, the extra space taken up doesn't matter much.

I beg to differ. It's been wacky for a week. Because I have a touch screen I can scroll over, but it's a PITA. Suggest you truncate the offending title.

Posted by
672 posts

There is obviously a problem with the 'General Europe' page; it is the only one in which the "Last Post" column is truncated. Putting the mouse over the hidden column and moving it left to right does nothing. This is something that needs to be fixed by the webmaster.

Posted by
924 posts

Perhaps the problem will correct itself when the "offending" post gets pushed to the next page. ? It's third from the bottom right now.

BTW, thanks for the explanation, Nikky.