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Packing pills/herbal supplements

My husband and I have many supplements and prescribed pills that we need to take on our 33 day France/Italy trip this summer. Any good ideas on how to pack/organize this? I used pill boxes bought from Walgreen's last year. They open up easily and I found pills all over the place!

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6898 posts

CLICK HERE for a previous discussion on this subject. Note the comments from the Flight Attendant.

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25 posts

My wife and I too take lots of pills. We were told to use the original pill containers to go, but then like you did we bought the 7 day 2 week pill holders. To keep the pills in the container while jumping on and off the trains, we put some tape across the top and also put the pill boxes in a freezer bag. We had no trouble this way. The extra room we had on the way back from no pill containers we used to bring home goodies.

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199 posts

Marilyn, my wife and I carry ours in 7-day pill boxes, but also carry along copies of all prescriptions in case we are ever challenged about the contents, or if we should lose some.

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192 posts

I take 2 of the 7-day pill holders--a blue one for evening meds and a clear one for morning meds. They have a little strip-lock, but since I don't trust it, I always just put a heavy rubber band around them, and then put the containers in a ziplock.
I have my pharmacist put the supplies of pills needed in the smallest containers possible. I also take copies of the original prescriptions, and I keep a list of the meds I take in my purse, luggage and safety pouch. I 'laminated' those with clear packaging tape, so they wouldn't tear.

How on earth did we ever get along, years ago, without ziplock bags?

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75 posts

Just make sure that the contents of the supplements and pills are not a banned substance in that country. My dad took enough pills for a small village and had no problems but that was to australia. I'd also have a print out from Walgreens or your physician stating what they are used for. I just found out that codine is banned in Greece, had a couple of sinus pills with codine in it thank goodness they didn't check closely. the cdc website has tons of great information as well. Since you are going for a month you might as well just take them in the original bottle if possible or combine into one or two bottles.