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Packing - Filling those channels in the bottom of the suitcase

In a roller suitcase, what do you use to fill in the channels at the bottom of the suitcase between the rails for the collapsible handle? Obvious things are underwear and socks, but when you've packed those and there's still plenty of channel space left, what other things do you put there to maximize usage of all the space in the suitcase? Thanks!

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1850 posts

Depending on the width of the channel, often your travel guidebook or your extra novel will fit in that space, assuming you are a luddite like I am who still likes print books, ;)

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125 posts

@Doug - It's not so much that I want to fill all the available space as 1) it's nice to have a relatively flat surface down there, and 2) if space gets tight when I bring back all those things you mentioned I'd like to make best use of those channels at the bottom. :) Thanks! @Cynthia - Yes, I, too, am a Luddite. Using the space for books that fit is a great idea. Thanks!

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3313 posts

If you have room for everything you need, why do you want to fill all the available space? Remember, you'll want to bring things back from your trip. It's a good idea to leave as much room as you can.

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9436 posts

I put my second pair of shoes there.

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864 posts

I fill the channels with a mailing tube (cut to fit if necessary), flip flops (great for those late night trips to the loo or the beach), underwear, magazines and a couple paperbacks. I travel with a Kindle (love it) but sometimes you just want the Reader's Digest or Nat'l Geographic (Not Maxxam - well, that might work for you lol:) The mailing tube comes in handy not just for posters/prints etc. but for small breakables.

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92 posts

I fill the side channels with second pair of shoes; Eagle Creek quarter cube (bedside kit); Eagle Creek quarter cube (cup, immersion heater, tea bags); extra pair of glasses, first aid kit. I fill the center channel with toiletry kit (between shoes); hair dryer, laundry kit and Eagle Creek pouch of cords and chargers. This makes a fairly flat layer which I top with a layer of 1 large and 2 regular packing cubes of clothes, and top with a bundled set of pants, fleece jacket, travel towel, skirt.

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4412 posts

Guidebooks fit mine really well (although hopefully those will all be ebooks in the future). First aid stuff - a ziploc with band-aids, 'G-I drugs', etc. are about the right depth for my bag, and I keep a couple of those $.99 rain ponchos there. Maybe your sink laundry items will fit: a double-ziploc of dry laundry detergent, inflatable hangers, etc. I travel with a small bag of 'misc': large and small safety pins, paper clips, rubberbands, a few Post-Its, etc. Extension cords, electrical chargers - although these (esp. the chargers) should be where they can be removed more easily for security checks. Also, gold bullion, opera-length pearl strands, pocket telescope (for you yachters), poison darts, extra passports, you know - the usual. Just be sure they are things you won't need on the flight or soon afterwards. (perhaps put those extra passports closer to the never know...).

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1976 posts

I fill that space with an extra pair of shoes (which I stuff with socks) and rolled clothes like jeans or shirts. I save smaller items like underwear for last because these can fit into small spaces.

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85 posts

RS guidebook fits perfectly in mine, and gives a nice flat surface to pack on top of.

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33472 posts

Eileen, What no loose diamonds to fill in the nooks and crevices left by the gaps between the bullion and the pearls?

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355 posts

I roll up bubble wrap to fill the spaces. Then I use the bubble wrap to protect anything fragile on my return home.

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4412 posts

Nigel, I have a little pocket on the outside of my luggage...perfect for loose AND set diamonds! I keep them there because they're more accessible; I like to use the smaller loose diamonds for tipping porters and the like...

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134 posts

Books. Brush. Sandles. I used to use it for batteries. It made the TSA a little wiggy.

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4412 posts

Well, DUH...I AM traveling, you know. ( Row-Bear behind me with the steamer trunks...) ('Row-Bear', aka 'Robert')