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Getting packed up is harder than I thought! I'm trying to avoid a second bag fee.

I think I have 1 suitcase, one laptop, and a backpack for carry on. Hope they allow the two carryon items.

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4412 posts

"Hope they allow the two carry-on items." Except you have THREE carry-on items... Just an FYI - it's not always up to the airline what the limits are - they may post their maximum # of bags, but most say very clearly that an airport may impose their own regulations - usually one bag PERIOD. Which airline are you flying, and which airports are you flying OUT of?

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23557 posts

It will depend strictly on the crew letting you on the plane. How big is the backpack? Some airlines are very strict about one carryon and maybe a personal item. Second question, do you want to run the risk of being forced to gate check your suitcase?

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1893 posts

Do you really need that laptop? IMO, I cannot see dragging a $1000+ (and heavy) machine to Europe on vacation. I don't see the reason to download photos each night, I have taken 2 week trips and just kept all my photos on my camera and downloaded when I got home. Now I bring my smart phone with me. I can check email, surf the web, etc if needed. Most hotels now offer a computer for your use if you need to check email or check your Facebook account : > ) One carry on size suitcase 22" x 14"x 9" and a personal item (backpack is fine) really should be enough for 2-3 weeks. Good luck !

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19237 posts

<&#59;i>&#59;"&#59;I cannot see dragging a $1000+, and heavy, machine to Europe on vacation."&#59;<&#59;/i>&#59; Neither can I, but neither can I see going to Europe without information, location of your accommodations, maps, train schedules, etc. Technology has improved since the 1800s. My $300 netbook probably weighs less than your purse, not much more than a guidebook. Not only do I download pictures everyday, but I put them in files by day and location. I keep expenses on a spreadsheet that estimates how much I need to finish my trip. In 6 weeks in Germany, I have had an in-house computer to use for exactly 6 nights, 5 nights a stand-up terminal in the lobby only available during the day.

Posted by
30 posts

The suitcase wil be checked. The only carry ons are the school size backpack and my laptop. I am finishing almost 2 months in europe. As a young person, I can't imagine not having technology with me. My laptop ways little, and has been essential. Many of the hostels and cheap hotels I have stayed at rarely had computers, or just one. I have used my laptop to check finances as I was traveling, book reservations, email free to communicate with family and friends, check museum websites and other tourist places, ect... My phone was great for the map ap. I could use that when I was lost finding my hostel or train station. My little mp3 player was great for audio books when I had long trains/buses/layovers. Several people had cameras taken. I am so glad I downloaded pics as I was traveling, right to the walgreens site, and family/friends could view as I traveled.

Posted by
1568 posts

My daughter and I both had day back packs stuffed and each had the Rick Steves' 22" Roll Aboard and carried them on the plane. We told them our day back packs were our purses. No problems. In my day back pack is the laptop, Pac Safe stash safe and numerous other items.

Posted by
4412 posts

Hope they allow the two carry-on items...He that lives upon hope will die fasting - Benjamin Franklin Again, it is the airline and the airport that will decide what you can carry onto the plane. Do you have that info yet...