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Overdue to receive renewed passport - Yikes!

My passport renewal application has been "In Process" according to the State Department Passport Info Center for much longer than expected - for 11 weeks. The on-line passport renewal application locator tool is the only way for me to know what is going on. This is for a routine renewal application estimated to take 6 to 9 weeks according to their info page. They discourage calling or messaging them so I am trying to be patient and just give it more time. I have confirmation that my entire application was received 11 weeks ago and have an Application Locator #. I was thorough with my application. But I am concerned that there is some sort of problem that is making my passport renewal application fall through the cracks now that it is taking so long.

What are other's experience renewing their passport by "Routine Service" in the last months of 2022? Any ideas why mine is taking so long? Any ideas on how to communicate with the US State Dept Passport Application office?

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8666 posts

Unless there's an upcoming trip that you need it for, I would just sit tight and wait for another few weeks. I'm sure that the holidays have slowed things down and they're probably light on staffing.

Posted by
9085 posts

There is not any hope for meaningful communication. Don't even try. You will just need to wait it out.

Posted by
1077 posts

I expedited the processing, as did my spouse, even though we had no travel plans. We both renewed in 2022, me early in the year, she in the summer, and we both got our passports in about 2 weeks. That doesn't help you, but may help others who need to renew soon.

Posted by
6871 posts

They said it would be an estimated "6 to 9 weeks." About 11 weeks have passed. OK.

Consider this: The past 2 weeks (the lead-up to Christmas and New Years) have been some of the least "productive" of the year in many institutions. Same goes for the week of Thanksgiving. Given that, I'd wait another 3-4 weeks before starting to worry too much.

Do you have a trip looming? How soon?

Posted by
273 posts

What date did you put for when you are traveling out of the country on the application? That could factor in which application renewal is processed first? Also, I work in state government; there is a lot of benefit time off between Thanksgiving, Xmas, and New Years (not to mention a lot more mail and shipping going on). Everyone goes back on Tuesday January 3.

Posted by
22 posts

I do not remember being asked on the renewal application what date I planned to travel. This was a "routine service" time frame application. My old passport that I sent in expires later this month. It was not an expedited service application. My trip to Europe is not until summer so when applying I was not concerned about a shorter time frame. Others who began their renewal application in the same "routine" not "expedited" way at a similar date as I did, received their renewed passports within 4 to 6 weeks. Knowing that is one reason I am concerned. Not being able to communicate about it is another. I do realize that the holidays are a slow churn period for federal workers. Meanwhile, I'll remind myself that patience is a virtue. Thanks for the excellent questions and comments. I welcome any and all of them.

Posted by
8666 posts

I understand it's frustrating, especially when you know others have received it in less time. That happened with me when I applied for Global Entry. Others were getting their interview requests within a few short weeks, but it took me over 6 months. Nothing was holding it up - I passed with flying colors - but it was just the luck of the draw.

Again, I would just give it a few more weeks. And as Carol said, you're probably not going to have any luck contacting someone anyway.

Posted by
938 posts

Please also look at all the Federal holidays during Nov/Dec - Election Day, Veterans Day plus Thanksgiving, etc. and then December... so quite extensive.

Posted by
81 posts

I used the online renewal on 11/22 and received an email yesterday that it’s been shipped. Just FYI. I hope yours is handled shortly! Best of luck.

Posted by
22 posts

14 weeks and counting. 14 weeks my renewal application has been "in process" with no communication from the Passport renewal one way or another. This is not a question of whether to apply for passport renewal in a "Routine" or "Expedited" way, through the mail or on-line. If my routine passport renewal application would have been processed within the expected 9 week time frame for a routine application there would be no problem for me with a 9 or 10 week time frame. This is an inexplicable passport delay without any way of knowing why or what to expect. My worry is that my application has fallen behind someone's desk or is otherwise lost. There has been no communication from passport services, one way or another and no way to check in. I repeat, Yikes!

Posted by
402 posts

We renewed our passports this past June and received them back within 4 weeks. My husband's Global Entry was approved within one week, but mine has been pending since July. Who knows!

Call your US Senator or Representative’s office. This falls within the category of things they can help you with. Years ago my passport renewal was taking forever. Got the new one in a few days after making the call.

Posted by
8666 posts

Do you have a trip soon?

Carol, she mentioned in a comment above that her trip is not until summer.

Posted by
545 posts

We decided to upgrade to expedited service and express mail and got the passport 5 days later. That was after waiting just 5 weeks and still just in received category. Hope you get yours soon.