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Outside of Schengen

Where in or near Europe but out of the treaty area and Uk and Eire could you go native for a month or more? Hopefuly somewhere the $USD might stretch a little further.

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2876 posts

Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Albania, Montenegro, Ukraine.

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86 posts

I would definitely recommend Bosnia-Herzegovina I could definitely live there for a month. I've also heard Montenegro is amazing.

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6788 posts

Iceland is definitely not a place to stretch your dollars - it's stunningly expensive, even compared to many of Europe's more expensive places. You do realize that just leaving the Schengen zone isn't going to "reset" your entry date, right?

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524 posts

<<Iceland is definitely not a place to stretch your dollars - it's stunningly expensive, even compared to many of Europe's more expensive places.>> It's true that Iceland is not a place where the USD might "stretch a little further". However, it's not as expensive as it was a couple of years ago. The Icelandic Kronur has been so devalued that Iceland is pretty do-able (not cheap, but do-able). The most expensive thing is eating out in restaurants - hard to spend less than $25 per person for a simple lunch with one beer or glass of wine (tax/tip included). But if you travel shoulder season, hotels are very reasonable. And airfare to/from is downright cheap. Icelandair flies nonstop from Seattle to Reykjavik (sorry, not from La Pine - maybe you can catch a cheap shuttle from Bend or Klamath Falls to Seattle?). We went last April and our cost for RT airfare with 5 nights hotel was around $700 per person. Icelandair is offering similar deals for this spring.

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2876 posts

The Iceland recommendations are incorrect. Iceland IS a member of the Schengen zone.

Posted by
524 posts

<<The Iceland recommendations are incorrect. Iceland IS a member of the Schengen zone.>> Ai-yi-yi - you're right! My mistake, sorry.