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Online Passport Renewal

The points guy reports that the online portal for passport renewals is available. Sounds like an initial test run for 25K people. My current passport is still good for a few years otherwise I’d try it out. It would be nice to use an app to get a good passport photo! The last time I got physical pictures at Costco the rules included no eyeglasses and no smiling.

If you give it a try please let us know how it goes.

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8648 posts

I hope they keep it after the test run - that would be very convenient. I would try it but mine doesn't expire till 2026, and you can't use it unless you have less than a year left.

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122 posts

Thank you for posting this! My passport expires next March, and if they haven’t made it through the 25k, I’ll be applying to renew online as soon as I get back from Germany in a few weeks.

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150 posts

Mine expires in March 2023, so I'm eligible. We got bak from France 2 weeks and, I don't have any travel planned. Was planning to submit this fall anyways. So I submitted mine yesterday online with a photo I took on my iPhone. Will report back once I know more!


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110 posts

Because I didn't qualify to use the online renewal process I had to renew my passport by mail. I filled out the form and mailed all documents on August 8th. I received an email on August 12th stating that my application had been received. My renewed passport was delivered to me on September 12th. I think that is the fastest I have ever got one back!

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150 posts

Lisa - maybe I should've just mailed mine in then! Hah I submitted on 8/11, and just got an email this week that it was being processed. It now says it's printed, so I assume I should get it in the next week. It was convenient though so not have to get pictures printed. And I wasn't in a hurry. Mine will be about 7 weeks if it does come next week.

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924 posts

Summitted my renewal online on Sep 26, got it back today - 18 days turnaround. (did not use express service)