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One-way pedestrian street in Naples

The crowds are so intense that the council in Naples had to make a one-way pedestrian street for peoples’ safety. Next on tap will be the Zona Pedonale Limitata to manage tourist crowds. 🤣

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2267 posts

A bit random, but that makes me think of the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City, where the only way to see the worshoped painting up close is via a travelator under the alter, sliding visitors by and preventing a pile-up of the faithful.

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34560 posts

Perhaps if there had been one of these in Seoul at Halloween a tragedy could have been avoided. What a great idea.

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423 posts

Makes sense. Naples should have more pedestrian only streets in the city center. I remember waiting in line at Sorbillo trying not to get my toes squished - Via Tribunali is narrow and consistently packed with people and cars still wade through the crowds.

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2472 posts

hey hey all
thanks Philip for this article.
way back in november 2008, took the train from rome to naples for day trip. people thought we were crazy to go to naples. we had one of our best day trips, and this street looks like the place we walked through window shopping, buying few things, seeing the grittiness and garbage throughout the streets, having pizza somewhere, watching a resident above market lower her basket with euros for owner to shop for her and using a pulley to raise it back up to her, took ride down to water and busy piazza, sat & had a cocktail and appetizers, guarded by the "cops" and their tanks/guns/uzis. a day to remember.
back on train to rome, laughing all the way. we were doing a transatlantic cruise rome to fort lauderdale the next day
reading about there was no way people would ever go to naples or even milan because of what they "hear" about these areas, i would go back in a minute and see how many people are traveling to these areas and getting crowded. how times change.
i'm always game to check out new sites and cities/towns and make my own opinion of the area.

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8149 posts

When Times Square NYC had a lot of construction a few years ago, signs were put up ordering pedestrians not to stop walking through the worse choke-points of the construction zone. Despite the completion of the construction, and creation of vast car-free zones, there are a few such signs still up.

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2472 posts

hey hey
yes, not knowing much about difference with them, was like a sherman tank with top cover open and guard looking out with his gun.
was a sight to see.