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October - Provence / Cote D'Azur or Rome / Tuscany?

I plan to travel in October 2010. I can't decide between travelling to Rome / Tuscany OR Provence / Cote D'Azur... and to make things more difficult, the flights are about the same price. Any ideas as to which has better weather / atmosphere at this time of year? (I've been to Rome / Florence before, but have wanted to go back for years.)


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12313 posts

We did Tuscany in late October and it was perfect for traveling, warm but not uncomfortably so.

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9110 posts

Why repeat when you can go someplace new?

Provence trumps Tuscany anyway.

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11 posts

... and I'm going to Provence!

Thanks for the input. :o)

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1326 posts

Provence is wonderful in October. You'll have a great trip.