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November Weather Lake Como or Cinque Terre

I have a chance to spend 3 days in Lake Como or Cinque Terre Oct. 30-Nov. 2. I want to have the best weather. Less cold is best.

Anyone know what I can expect?

Posted by
3313 posts

Unless you have the ability to change destinations once you see the next day's forecast, you're likely to have cold weather and empty towns in both places.

Posted by
1358 posts

Because Lake Como is higher elevation it will likely be colder. CT is on the water so it will be milder. I have been in Italy in October twice and had perfect weather both times. Even in the Alps.

But you are aware that no one can predict what the weather will be.
Take a sweater or jacket.

Posted by
12040 posts

I'm relying on word of mouth here, because I've never been to Italy, but I have heard (from people who don't like hot weather) that mid to late autumn is the best time to visit Italy if you want to do a lot of outdoor walking. Not T-shirt and shorts weather, but rather mild.

Posted by
582 posts

Kitty, I live in Texas too, and it is hard to get used to the cold. I'm going to Milan in November and plan to spend only a day in Lake Como, because I've never been there and just want to see it. I think one day is enough in Lake Como because of the cold. I already bought long underwear and a long sleeved undershirt for my trip. Milan should be cold in November too, and I'm also going to the Swiss Alps. Brrrr! But it will be beautiful! I always say, even though it's cold, at least I'm there! It is cheaper to go in November, and less people, so that's a plus!!
Have a wonderful trip!

Posted by
2598 posts

Very few places in Italy (except far south) will even approach "less cold" by Texas weather standards for this time of year. This website (Here) links to a map that shows you typical temps for any month of the year in Italy. Late October/early November is going to be in the 40-50 degree range for highs, an average of 20 days with rain. This is both in Lake Como and Cinque Terre. You could have rain, wind, or beautiful blue skies - we all hope you get the latter!

Posted by
934 posts

Last Nov.1-2 we stayed in Como and Nov.3-4 in the CT.Both places the weather was fine.Evenings cooled off but a jacket was fine.Take a light jacket and sweater and layer as needed.

Posted by
27 posts


I am going to adopt your attitude.
As I stand on the cliffs of CT, beaten
by cold and possible rains, I will yell
to wind, "At least I'm Here!!!"

Thank you all.

Posted by
23 posts

We were in Manarola on Nov. 6th and 7th a couple of years ago. It was rainy, although I didn't think it was particularly cold--but I'm from the upper midwest, so you might have thought differently. We enjoyed it, because it made us slow down a little, and it was a good point in our trip to do so (after Rome and Florence). Our hosts told us that the week prior had been gorgeous weather.

One thing we didn't consider--the 7th we walked down to the restaurant we had eaten at the night before, and they were closed for the season! It happened that the people who owned the place we were staying were there enjoying a private anniversary dinner with a couple of friends, so they invited us in and rounded up something for us to eat. And we got to share the dessert with our impromptu hosts. What a treat!

We all thought the Cinque Terre was the best part of our entire trip, I think because they had moved out of "tourist season" mode. There are some advantages to enjoying a little less than ideal weather.

Posted by
54 posts

I was in Como last October. I did a lot of hiking in capri pants and a short sleeved t-shirt. However, I had a thick fleece sweater which I wore all the time (except when hiking). It was cool but not cold.

I have also been to Cinque Terre but in summer. Both places are lovely - enjoy your trip!