If you enjoy detective novels, there are several series which are great:
1) The Father Brown stories: The current TV adaptation of the Father Brown stories by GK Chesterton takes great liberties with the stories. The stories were really Christian apologia - using the mystery form to discuss philosophical ideas with a Catholic perspective. Great stories really.
2) The stories of Edmund Crispin (The Moving Toyshop): The detective is Gervase Fen, professor of English at Oxford. These books are great fun if you know literature. For instance, in one book, he does a completely hysterical version of "The Raven".
3) The Lord Peter Wimsey novels by Dorothy Sayers
4) The endless stories about dotty peers, lords whose entire obsession was raising pigs, and other wacky books of PJ Wodehouse
I read most of these in high school, but they gave me a very strange view of the English countryside