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Notifying credit card company

I just notified my credit card company (VISA) about my upcoming trip to France and found that the process has been automated now. I followed the prompts and entered the start and end dates of my trip. I've read on this forum that people usually call and double check that the travel info has been recorded on the account but do you think I need to do this? Seems like it used to depend on a human recording the info but if it's now automated, would you trust it? Thanks!

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39 posts

When I used the automated system, the back also sent me an e-mail to confirm that I had made the call.

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23557 posts

The automated system is not universal. Only one of my VISA cards was using it and none of the debit cards.

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269 posts

I'd still double-check with a real person at some point, just to be sure -- but I'm an obsessive double-checker :)

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534 posts

What I have done is called not only the 1-800 number on the back of the card, but also contacted my local branch and spoak to a real person.

I think this actually makes a difference, but I can't say that for sure.

On my last trip the gentleman at the local branch said "I am glad you called here directly, their prompts don't filter down to us and if our branch doesn't have a flag - it could block your card".

So I always do both and (knock on wood) I have never had an issue.

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1317 posts

It depends on the card, but I do think the automated systems are more reliable. Capital One has an automated system. Used it twice and never had a problem. Called the bank re my debit and had to re-confirm with them TWICE to make sure it'd work (it did.)

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199 posts

Still double or even triple check. I called my bank and both credit card companies twice before I left. When I tried to check into London hotel after 9 hour flight, my credit card was denied. When I called CC company, they had all info regarding trip, but still needed a call to confirm I was really in London. After that, had no problems.

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92 posts

If you use online banking, there might be a way to inform them you are traveling. It is one of the options on my credit union website. Although, like everyone else, I also call to double check...

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9109 posts

I've been notifying my bank via the online system for problems. It's faster (no waiting on-hold), and best of all it's all in writing, on both ends.