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Getting multiple copies of messages

For the webmaster:

I have my notifications turned on so I can see when people respond to my topics. Some days I receive two copies of each notification but lately it has been four copies.

Is there any way to fix this? Should I try turning off notifications and turning them back on?

Thank you!

Posted by
23547 posts

It works a lot better and quicker to send this message directly to webmaster instead of waiting for him to read it here.

Posted by
703 posts

Can someone give me the email address for the webmaster? When I click on the hot link, it tries to open Outlook, which is disabled on my computer. Thanks!

Posted by
994 posts

I'll respond here since this may benefit a few others. You are getting multiple "copies" because you are getting one email for each reply PLUS any edits. You should typically find differences in the text between "copies".

We've noticed that this has confused several others as well and we have decided to remove notifications for edits. This isn't in effect yet, but I'm hoping that we'll have this fixed in the relatively near future.

Posted by
10022 posts

oops I'm definitely a guilty party. I do edits about a jillion percent of the time. My apologies to the posters who are affected!

Posted by
994 posts

And thanks to Lee for submitting a Report so that I could find this quickly. :)