My wife and I have never been to Europe and dream of going and visiting many countries. We do not drink alcohol but love to eat out and enjoy nightlife. In almost every guide book and television program about traveling in Europe there is a fair amount of attention payed to the topic of drinking--I know it is a big part of the culture of many of the countries we would like to visit. We want to know what to expect, and any tips for avoiding awkward situations and poor service that results.
I can tell you by first hand experince in the U.S. that when you are in a resturant or bar and not drinking you often recieve slighted service because your not spending as much money.
Additionally, we want to meet new people and make new friends--an important part of travel. How are non-drinkers recieved? Almost everytime I have seen Rick socializing on his program he is drinking along with his new or old friends. We are outgoing, fun people and love to join in a good time, but so much attention is paid to wine of every type to whatever the local brew is in all these books and shows, sometimes it feels we'll not just be a foriegner in a foriegn land but even more removed. I have never seen this topic addressed and we can't be the only ones who have thought of it.