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No audio guides for Budapest

What do you guys do when there isn't an audio guide available on the Rick Steves app? I'm going to Budapest and the walking tours aren't on the app. I'd rather not carry around the guidebook all day.

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2695 posts

I carefully remove the pages for things like walking tours or day trips to other areas, though I usually do carry my guidebook.

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15097 posts

This is probably dated in reference to Budapest. I was there last in June 2015, where at the Military/Army Museum no audio phones were available, 99.8% of the explanations are written in Hungarian, the 1-2% remaining in German.

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488 posts

I mangle the guidebook, maybe use a hole punch and brads to make a day book. Ain't carrying around 5000 pages of books, but can take 20 pages of the day. If I were really motivated, I could photograph and put in Evernote or a special folder on my phone.

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2252 posts

I, too, take the book apart and carry only the pages I think I'll need for the day. I do keep recommendations from this forum (thanks, James E. and some others) available for access on my phone if I need further information. Although there are a few Budapest related interviews on the RS audio app, you're right; there are no walking tours, a sad thing for what I know is going to be a fabulous city to visit next month!

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20675 posts

Canned walking tours are good, but not necessary. In Rome you are looking for the most direct path from monument to monument to monument. Budapest is a little more like Paris where the atmosphere between the points of interest at times is more interesting thant the points themselves. When I meet someone that claims to have hit the Top Ten in Budapest in one or even two days, i know they haven't seen Budapest. Its one reason Budapest is a 3 full, 24 hour, day city; and 4 days is much better. Get your accommodations worked out, then post in the Budapest forum and there are a couple of people who can help you plan your walks.

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9267 posts

Are there no walking tour companies or tour guides in Budapest? If Rick doesn't list them, then look for them on Trip Advisor. Stay away from Viator though, it is a re-seller.