Hi Nigel,
I live in the city, but have colleagues from Cambridge University Press who travel that route. Fortunately, they were all early birds that day or on holiday. Interesting article from the NY Times points out that New Jersey Transport was/is under audit from the Feds.
They've not even gotten into the train due to the damage to the station and possible abestos. This article outlines some of the latest news.
As after the AmTrak crash not long ago, the big question is about Positive Train Control. Evidently, AmTrak has installed it on the Northeast Corridor, but NJ Transit doesn't have it. Does the UK railway system use it anywhere?
And interestingly, there is a huge article re-imagining Penn Station. This is taking Cuomo's plans a bit further. But as anyone who works in Manhattan knows, the big railway issue is the need for new tunnels under the Hudson. Governor Christie who put the kaibosh on them a few years ago. He's recently seen the error of his ways--at least in this regard.