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Nightlife Tour

Hi All,

I'm very interested in nightlife of European cities and I planning to do a trip in May exclusively for it. I have 17 days including Travel.

This is my plan: Prague-> Berlin -> Krakow -> Budapest

Friday Morning : Travel to Prague.

Friday- Night +Sat + Sunday+ Monday: Prague

Tuesday morning: Travel to Berlin

Tuesday Night+ Wednesday + Thursday + Friday : Berlin

Saturday Morning - Krakow

Saturday - Night+ Sunday + Monday +Tuesday : Krakow

Wednesday Morning - Travel to Budapest

Wednesday Night+ Thursday+ Friday+ Saturday : Budapest

Sunday: Travel back

I have made sure I do spend at least one night of a weekend in the city.
The unknowns at this point are Berlin- Krakow and Krakow-Budapest day time options. Are there day time buses or trains for these routes? Please comment on the itinerary. Am I clubbing the right cities? I know there are other good cities for night life but I didn't want to do all cities in one trip.

The other nightlife itineraries which I will do in future are like this:

Madrid-> Barcelona -> Ibiza

Paris- > London -> Amsterdam


Posted by
2779 posts

First of all, you find all bus lines on

Berlin to Krakow is an 8 hours bus service operated by DB German Rail (by bus) or by Polskibus. There is one departing in the early morning, getting you into Krakow by late afternoon - and another from noon until early evening.

Krakow-Budapest is served by: - however, that also sounds to me like a Wizzair cheap flight.

Let me know if you got into Berghain in Berlin - and what you thought of it ;-)

Posted by
16895 posts

The German DB bus ticket is sold on the same web site that we use for getting all Train Schedules Online. Daytime trains from Krakow to Budapest require 2 or 3 connections, so you may prefer a direct bus or flight. For budget flights, try as a search engine.