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Night Train - Paris to Venice

Hi, Happy New Year and all the best to everyone.
We are planning a trip to France and Italy later this year (2017. There will be four of us travelling together. Has any one experienced the overnight train between Paris and Venice. The reviews we have found are a few years back. Thank you for your time and input. Linda & Brian

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2673 posts

I would also fly. How long do you have for your trip? Are you just transiting from Paris to Venice? If so, flying makes more sense.

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3 posts

Hi Thank you for your help,much appreciated.. We are going to be in Europe for various times between us. The four of us thought taking the night train we could travel at night train with a 4 sleeper compartment for a reasonable cost, experience the train ride and avoid the cost of flying and 2 hotel rooms costs for that segment of our trip. The train leaves Paris around 8:00/ 20:00 at night and arrives around 10:00 AM in Venice.

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11613 posts

If you haven't taken a night train before, look at the route and see how many stops it will make; these can range from mild sleep disturbances to nightmares.

I have slept through Category 3 hurricanes, but I've never gotten a good night's sleep on a train. Other posters have, however.

Posted by
11507 posts

Flights can be dirt cheap , look at prices on easyJet and VUeling before you decide .

I like train rides , will take one for 4-6 hours happily , after that think twice ! I have only taken one night train , and it was many years ago, and I did not sleep well and bathroom for pretty nasty

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650 posts

I've taken the Paris/Venice night train as far as Milan. It worked well for us. But we sleep well on night trains and don't notice the stops. But it's more like camping than spending a night in a hotel. I would not do it to save money. We do it to save vacation time. If you sleep well that works. I imagine that it you don't, it doesn't.

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6788 posts

Night train = my idea of hell, and a great way to ruin several days in an otherwise great trip.

I've done several night trains on trips to various parts of Europe, and each time I ended up sleepless, exhausted and utterly miserable for several days afterward, very much regretting the idea. Never again.

Personally, I can't sleep with frequent, very loud, ear-piercing train screeching noises all night, and the constant jostling from the train movement - even with very good ear plugs and an eye mask and a whole compartment to my spouse and I. Maybe you can? Good luck.

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3318 posts

I am one who loves the night train...with a compartment. It is fun and something you don't often have the opportunity to experience. I would suggest that if you have never taken a night train, try it. That way you will know which side of the discussion you fall on: hate or love. It is an adventure and isn't that why we travel after all? I've wanted to take this train as the hours are perfect, but I have not been able to fit it into my plans yet.

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32 posts

I took the night train from Paris to Milan this past September and loved it. I did not have any issues sleeping. The bathroom was clean although I did have my own TP with me. I did not use the restaurant car as I had picked up supplies in Paris before getting on the train and enjoyed having my little sip of wine and picnic goodies in the evening as the train went through the country side. The compartments are very small, think the size of most bathrooms in 1970's type homes. If you are tall enough there is storage above the door, but as I had the compartment to myself, I just left my one bag on the floor and used it as a foot rest while sitting, and after the bed was made up, in front the locked door. I am glad to have experienced the night train, but would most likely not do it again as there was really no cost savings over flying and getting a hotel at the destination.

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3398 posts

I have taken the night train from Paris all the way down to Rome - twice. Miserable experiences. Night trains sound like a fun adventure and good substitute for a hotel - while getting to your destination at the same time - but this isn't always how it is in reality. My experience is that they are stuffy, loud, and not comfortable at all.
On the other hand my niece and her boyfriend just took the same train a month ago and loved it! She said she slept like a baby and enjoyed the motion of the train - he said he didn't sleep much but liked the experience.
Guess you won't know if you will like it until you try it!

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14809 posts

The last time I took a night train from Paris was when the night route to Frankfurt still existed. Now I only take night trains within Germany and Austria which are at least ten hours in duration by the time I arrive at 0600 or 0700 hrs...all satisfactory, though some better than others, still the night train is a very doable problems.

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3 posts

Thank you all very much for sharing your experiences, kind suggestions and time to respond. It has all been very helpful. Warm regards, safe travels, Linda & Brian

Posted by
8102 posts

We lived in the Middle East from 81-85 then Germany from 87-91. Did a lot of rail travel. Overnight trains have an advantage, you save on a hotel room cost.

When we traveled you had two options for sleeping cars. The cheap option was couchettes, which were six bunks in a compartment (full sized compartment for six persons to sit). You are issued a sheet and blanket. People sleep in their clothing, since the compartment is not locked. You might have stranger in your compartment ;unless you have six persons in your party. Also, you have to go down the hall for the toilet.

The other option was the first class compartment, smaller than the first, but with two bunks in a lockable secure compartment. Also, the compartment includes a sink as well as a slide out that operates as a urinal only.

Not sure what the options are today.

If you arrive in Venice at 10 you would need to make sure your hotel there will allow you to check in early or leave your luggage in a secure place. Another choice is to use the locked luggage facility in the main train station in Venice.

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33572 posts

regarding what is like today, that is all spelled out in the first answer from Lola at the very top of the thread - The Man in Seat 61 tells it like it is