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Posted by
14544 posts

Thanks Lola. Very elegantly written!

Posted by
7118 posts

Thanks for posting this Lola. He's not only a pilot but an amazing writer!

Posted by
32320 posts


That was a great and very well written article! When he retires as a Pilot, he will definitely be able to find work as a writer. Thanks for posting.

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17228 posts

We always fly British Airways when we go to Europe. We always sit on the right side to have a nice view of London if we have to circle before landing. But based on his comments about seeing the aurora, I changed our seats to the left side for our September flight. Of course the chance of one occurring that night is slim, but it would be really cool to see the curtain of light from an airplane.

Posted by
5678 posts

That was a very interesting essay. Thank you for posting it.
