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*NEW* REI ZipAll clothing

Couldn't decide if this should go in the packing forum or General Europe. Since it's the day it is...I picked General Europe.

With this piece of clothing you could take 1 and wear 1 and only have to pack in a ziplock bag, hahaha!! I'm sure it will sink wash and dry overnight. Bib/cape would be very helpful when you have too many tastes at a wine tasting in Tuscany or the Loire Valley.

Posted by
15172 posts

hahaha, Kathy!

Maybe they will bring it out in a different color so you can mix and match segments. That green is not my color either!

Posted by
5837 posts

Now if it only came with a lot of hidden pockets.

Posted by
34595 posts

Oh I love it.

I'd really prefer the zips to be in matching green rather than contrasting black.

I'm rather surprised after we had such discussions about European toilet facilities (to say nothing of the hiking in the woods) I'm surprised that there are no "strategically" located zippers.....

Posted by
16890 posts

I'm surprised that there are no "strategically" located zippers.....

Ooh. A "Squat Toilet Model"?

Pam, I look just ghastly in bright green.

Posted by
531 posts

Good one, Pam. I wonder if the woman’s version comes on hot pink?

Posted by
28831 posts

You guys need to watch the video; it comes in a wide array of colors!. And there's a strategically located zipper (for males). I think I've found the first item for my Christmas list!

Posted by
15172 posts

Edgar, they say the pockets are moveable so maybe you can just move them to the inside?

I love the idea of a squat suit!

I'm thinking bright pink alternated with the green - pink next to your face of course!

Posted by
2348 posts

First, I was picturing my husband wearing this...Then I was thinking about the big guy on another thread that's trying to pack lighter... then I got to the bottom of the article. Oh well...

Thanks for sharing, Pam!

Posted by
7196 posts

That green is not my color either!

That green is nobody's color - except for Kermit, or unless you're trying to camouflage yourself on an algae covered pond.

Posted by
6650 posts

I wonder how many people are trying to buy it right now... If it had more pockets, (movable or not), my own guy would be clicking "Buy it Now" as fast as he could.

Edit to add: I just showed it too him. I'm embarrassed (well, not really) to share his reaction.

My favorite feature if the ZipAll is this:

Removable hood with ethically sourced, recycled, biodegradable, genuine faux jackalope fur

Posted by
5333 posts

Haven't laughed so hard in quite a while. Thanks, Pam, for making my day.

Posted by
11891 posts

NOt sure what was funnier today, Nigel's 3rd class trains in Italy, or this from REI. Thanks for sharing!

Posted by
15172 posts

Laurel, I'm sure the ZipAll suit will be excellent for goat/sheep/pig wrangling on Nigel's newest suggested rail coaches. It doesn't say if it is waterproof, though....

Posted by
5837 posts

If the REI ZipAll is not readily available, you can try a DIY approach. Just takes a little tailoring skills.

Start with one of those Scottevest RFID Travel Vest (26 pockets with RFID blocking). Sew on upper sleeves plus lower sleeves. You will then have an option of vest only, short sleeve or long sleeve jacket.

For those willing to forego RFID protection, start with a SCOTTeVEST Jacket for Men (25 pockets) with removable sleeve. You can add a short sleeve option by adding above the elbow zippers.

Connect vest/jacket hem with zippers to Pick-Pocket Proof Convertible Travel Pants (11 Total multi-secure pockets: 5 triple secure & 6 double secure). Those wishing a knicker pant option can add calf zippers.

The advantage of zipping together a Scottevest and Pick-Pocket Proof Convertible is the availability of tourist camouflage colors of olive greens and khaki.

Posted by
444 posts

Dying! Loved this. REI nailed April Fools. Thanks!

Posted by
9332 posts

I am ordering 2 for my Camino. Pretty sure everyone will be jealous.